Home Jobs Today Review – Is It Legit or Not?



Is Home Jobs Today a scam or a legitimate opportunity to make money from home online? Does it live up to its hype, or is it nothing more than empty promises to relieve you of your hard earned money?

Let’s check it out and uncover the truth about Home Jobs Today…



Home Jobs Today Review - Is It LegitCompany Name: Home Jobs Today

Owner: Kelly Simmons

Price To Join: $97

My Rating: 0/10


~ Home Jobs Today Review ~



While there are many great platforms, schemes and training programs online that you can make money with, there are also many scams and systems that just don't deliver value. I try to highlight the good stuff in my reviews, as well as write reviews to warn people about scams and the platforms that are a waste of time and money. Because you are here reading this review, that means you're smart enough to do your research before joining something.


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What Is Home Jobs Today and How Does It Work?

To start with, Home Jobs Today is the exact same scam as another program I recently reviewed called Accelerated Income. Likely the same people are behind the scenes, but they change the name of the alleged owner. With Accelerated Income it’s Susan Whitman (the person portraying Susan Whitman is an actress), and it’s Kelly Simmons for Home Jobs Today. These people are a work of fiction.

Both programs make the exact same claims; that you can earn $379 a day with just 60 minutes of work. Both also take advantage of fake news and TV sponsorships, as well as hiring Fiverr writers to compose bogus testimonials to make their scams look legitimate.

It’s all about link posting, where the makers claim companies will pay you $15 for every link you place on various social media sites, forums, or even your own website. The links are URLs to products for sale, or to generate leads. It sounds like affiliate marketing, except with affiliate marketing you only get paid if someone buys something. You don’t receive money for simply spamming links all over the internet.

To be honest I don’t know of any reputable manufacturers of products, or retailers that sell those products, that will pay you $15 to post a product link somewhere. I’m not saying it can’t happen or it doesn’t exist. I’m just saying I’ve never come across one that does this form of link posting marketing.

Really it’s a complete waste of time and effort. You will give yourself a bad name as a spammer or scammer, and you likely won’t see a cent in income from it.


Home Jobs Today Scam


The Fake News Endorsements

Now this isn't real at all. Home Jobs Today and all its many sister sites make the claim that they've had their fabulous "online opportunity" featured on major news networks such as CNN and the ABC. It's all a facade to gain your trust, so you will join up and hand over your cash. Don't fall for this BS. Home Jobs Today has never been endorsed by any of these channels or programs. One day they might get featured, but only to expose their scam.


Limited Spots? I Sincerely Doubt It

As if these scammers would turn away anyone who wants to join and hand over their credit card details.

Not gonna happen.

This is just a ploy to get you to hurry up and sign up before you have a chance to discover Home Jobs Today is totally fake and nothing but a con job.


Home Jobs Today Limited Offer


Target Audience

Technically they sell this system on the ease of making nearly $400 a day for an hour’s work, would appeal to just about anybody. Those who are totally new to the concept of making money online are most likely to be suckered into this dodgy scheme. It also appeals to anyone who has a yearning for easy money. We’d all love to make cruisy, easy cash, but generally things just don’t work that way.


The Pros

  • Absolutely nothing I can think of


The Cons

  • Everything about Home Jobs Today
  • It’s all fake and a total farce
  • This same system is sold under numerous different names
  • Link posting is useless and won’t make you money
  • You won’t get paid
  • It’s a well known scam
  • The “limited positions” lie
  • Fake news and TV spots
  • They collect your details (name, phone number, email) then try to sell you on other far more expensive programs such as MOBE


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Tools and Training

The training involved barely even touches on what it takes to begin as an online marketer. Basically all you learn here is how to spam links and look like an internet troll in the process. You do get given some cookie cutter website to use, but it will be the same as hundreds of others out there and will also prove to be just as useless as the entire premise of this system.


How Much Does Home Jobs Today Cost?

You get to pay a cool $97 for the privilege of joining this scam that will lead to no income for you, and plenty of coin for Kelly Simmons, or whoever really runs the show behind the scenes.


Is Home Jobs Today Recommended?

Absolutely not. It’s a scam, has been proven to be a scam by many, and goes under the guise of numerous other programs that are identical scams, just with different names.

Steer well clear of this one and any others like it!


Make a Living Online At Home With Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a real business and a genuine opportunity if you do it right. Without training you will only be guessing at what to do. Why try and reinvent the wheel when you can simply follow in the footsteps of others who are already successful online marketers?

I trained with Wealthy Affiliate and can personally vouch that their training does work if you follow it, put the effort in and have a bit of patience while waiting for your online business to gain traction with the search engines.

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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

2 thoughts on “Home Jobs Today Review – Is It Legit or Not?

  1. I like your “pros” on the Home Jobs. Right to the point for yet another online “marketing” scheme. Just one more get-rich-quick scheme for those who don’t research legit money making opportunities.

    Did you happen to see if there are any BBB associated with this company? Do they try to upsell you after the $97? I just hate to see people fall for scams like this and continue to throw good money after bad.

    Thanks for an honest review!

    • Hi Lisa. Thanks for reading. Home Jobs Today is just one in a long line of similar scams by the same scammers. I’ve seen at least 30 or more of these same platforms so far, just under difefrent names. You will see some complaints about them in various places for this platform and their others. They just keep inventing new ones. Once you pay you $97, all they do is try to upsell you to expensive products from that point on.

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