Is Amazon Cash Websites a Scam or a Way To Cash Up Big Time Online?



Is Amazon Cash Websites a scam of some sort or a real way to cash up big online? It’s only a new platform, but already there is a lot of buzz going around about it, and many people have been asking is Amazon Cash Websites legit? Can we make money with this one or not?

Let’s take a closer look and see…



Is Amazon Cash Websites a ScamCompany Name: Amazon Cash Websites

Owners: Unknown

Price To Join: $47 + Upsells

My Rating: 0/10



~ Amazon Cash Websites Review ~



If you’re like me you saw something about Amazon Cash Websites online and decided it sounded pretty interesting. It’s a good thing that you’re here reading my review as it means you do some homework before joining anything. And with so many make money online (MMO) scams around these days, that’s always a wise move.

On my Many Income Streams website I write reviews of make money platforms and training programs. Some of these platforms are good, while others are either scams, or deals that just aren’t worth your money or attention.

Let’s see how Amazon Cash Websites stacks up.


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What Is Amazon Cash Websites?

This platform was launched in May 2018, with the premise that Amazon has opened its virtual doors to a new program where people can make bucket loads of cash in quick time and very easily.

Some people have already been calling this the "Amazon Cash Websites scam".

The funny thing is, there is not one website promoting this new “opportunity”. Amazon Cash Websites appears under a few different domain names, yet every one page website is promoting the exact same thing.

Apparently you don’t need any experience or skills whatsoever to make money with Amazon. All you need is an internet connection and a computer, smartphone or tablet. You can also set your own schedule and work the hours you choose.

If you want to learn how to start a profitable online business that brings in passive income, then check out the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Along with the lifestyle benefits, of course there is some fancy talk about all the people making big bucks monthly with Amazon Cash Websites. One guy named Chris apparently makes $14k a month already.

Honestly, I’m writing this review in June 2018. If Amazon Cash Websites only launched last month, how could they have gathered all this monthly data on what their members have been earning since joining? The platform is currently less than a month old!

This is all made to sound so easy when you read the information on the various websites this “newsletter”  appears on, but to me the information does nothing more than raise the proverbial red flag up the proverbial flagpole.


Is Amazon Cash Websites a Scam


How It Works

What’s being done here is these people behind this dodgy deal are circulating a fake news story in a bid to get people excited about this new money making opportunity on the Amazon platform. They even make out like it’s run by Amazon itself.

The articles are crafted to look like genuine news pieces and appear very believable at first glance. When you dig deeper into the actual information you’ll discover that they’re all totally fake. These newsletters on the different sites were created simply to lure people into a scam so the owners of the scam can get rich off the unsuspecting public.

When you visit one of the websites promoting this scam, they simply ask you to complete an application form to start earning money with Amazon in “your area”. You are then required to pay an enrollment fee to officially join the program. You will then be given your online tasks and choose from one of the various payment options to determine how you’d like to get paid.

You are supposed to then receive a website that will generate cash for you, practically on autopilot, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


Why Use the “Amazon” Name To promote Their Scam?

The answer to that question is pretty obvious.

Amazon has been around practically as long as the internet itself. Everyone’s heard of Amazon no matter where they live, and Amazon has a reputation of being safe and reliable. That’s why literally billions of people shop there with confidence every year.

People are far less likely to suspect a scam if it has the Amazon name attached to it, but Amazon Cash Websites has nothing to do with the Amazon company, nor is it endorsed by Amazon or Jeff Bezos in any way.


Is Money Sucking Website a Scam


What’s the Real Scam Here?

If you happen to click on anything on these websites that promote Amazon Cash Websites, you’ll be redirected through to another platform called “Money Sucking Website”, which I reviewed recently.

That platform is a total fraud and an outright scam!

It’s apparently operated by a guy named Willy Handcock (which is an alias, by the way), and promotes another scam that uses Amazon to legitimise it. The creators of that scam site have also done other ones in the past, where they used Facebook; claiming there were money making opportunities being offered by Facebook, such as Facebook Bonanza.

Of course, these were all a total fantasy as well. At least Wealthy Affiliate offers something real.

All these scammers are doing is making websites with some bogus opportunity attached and rip people off their money. Then, when that particular scam gets a bad rep, they reinvent the same scam under a different name and start all over again with ripping people off all over the world.

If you were to buy into this scam, your job would then be to promote the same dodgy scam to others so you can earn commissions from everyone you manage to sucker into it.

That’s all these websites do.

They claim you’ll be making $500 with the simple press of a button, but that’s total BS. If that were true, we’d all be making a financial killing from stuff like this while kicking back on the beach sipping our Pina Coladas.

You don’t receive any magic money making website that works on autopilot when you join Amazon Cash Websites, Facebook Bonanza, Money Sucking Website, or any of the other scams these scammers have invented.


Limited Positions Lie

In order to get people to hurry up and join their fantastic “opportunity”, they use the scarcity tactic of claiming there are limited positions available in your area.

They don’t want you to think about it or do any research. They just want you to quickly hand over your cash.


Target Audience

People like these scammers know exactly what buttons to push. When someone new to making money online comes along, all the scammer needs to do is tell that person what they want to hear. Things like making big, easy money at the simple push of a button.

It’s all a fantasy!


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What I Like

  • There is nothing to like – period!


What I Don’t Like and Red Flags

  • Amazon Cash Websites is not affiliated in any way with the Amazon company
  • This is just an old scam reinvented
  • Amazon Cash Websites funnels people through to Money Sucking Website
  • You don’t receive a push button, money making website
  • All you do as a member is try to sucker others into joining so you can earn a commission
  • No one will be making an easy $500 a day
  • There are no limited positions available in your area
  • All the testimonials on Amazon Cash Websites and the Money Sucking Website platforms are totally fake
  • There are numerous websites out there all promoting the same fake newsletter – these are affiliate sites, most likely
  • There is no done for you, automated money making system here. It’s all a pack of lies


How Much Does Amazon Cash Websites Cost?

It’s $47 to join Amazon Cash Websites at the time of this writing, but they also try to upsell you on other products if you were unfortunate enough to join up. As well as being worthless scams, these schemes are always designed to suck as much money from you as possible.


Amazon Work From Home


Is Amazon Cash Websites a Scam?

This one is a scam for all money, and is just an existing scam reinvented under a new name.

Amazon (nor Facebook) has anything to do with these parasites that do nothing but steal peoples’ money. Everything is fake and everything they say is a lie.

Anyone who’s been around on the internet for a long time will be able to tell you that there are no magic, push button, autopilot money making systems. Everything requires times and effort, even if you can get money coming in passively after a while. That’s just reality.

All this mob wants to do is suck up your money, so don’t let them have it.

Stay away from this obvious scam.


A Legitimate Way To Make Money Online

The internet is home to both good opportunities and poor ones. It’s all a matter of researching to sort the good from the bad. Millions of people make great money online daily, so it can be done with the right opportunity and the right training.

Affiliate marketing is the thing that’s made me the most money online. It’s my fulltime business and each month my income continues to grow, much of it coming in passively now. The process of making money this way is very basic. Anyone can do it and find success if you are shown how.

An online business can lead to more lifestyle freedom. Plus, affiliate marketing requires no capital to get started, and costs to run this business long-term are really, really low.

If you have a spare 5 minutes, take a look at my complimentary make money online guide. You can check it out by clicking on the banner below.


Make Real Money Online


In my guide I cover the subject of affiliate marketing and how anyone can make money with it. I also mention a little about my online background, the many advantages to running an online business, and give you an introduction to the training I recommend at Wealthy Affiliate. It’s the same training I did, so I know first-hand that it works. It even starts with a FREE trial, so no risk and nothing to lose by trying it out.

Click here to read my FREE guide now!


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

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