Is Simple Income Solution a Scam? Sure Looks Like One To Me!



Is Simple Income Solution a scam or not? Will Jeff’s online money making system generate the kind of cash flow and lifestyle freedom you’ve always dreamed of? Or is it nothing more than a pipedream?

These are the questions people have been asking, so let's take a look and find out the truth….


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Is Simple Income Solution a ScamCompany Name: Simple Income Solution

Owners: Jeff (Somebody)

Price To Join: $29

My Rating: 0/10



~ Simple Income Solution Review ~


What Is Simple Income Solution?

My website is all about helping people find real ways to make money on the internet without falling for the multitude of scams out there, so I'm really glad to see you here reading my review of Simple Income Solution. You do your homework, so are far less likely to ever become the victim of some dodgy make money scheme.

To make things clear right from the very beginning, the Simple Income Solution website is nothing more than an affiliate’s feeder site, designed to funnel members into the more lucrative Digital Altitude MLM program.

Technically there’s nothing too much wrong with feeder sites, except in this case it’s quite deceptive. Prospective members believe they are joining the Simple Income Solution training program, when in reality they are being fed into Digital Altitude and Aspire.

Jeff (or whoever he really is) tells us that we’ll receive$500 just for watching his sales pitch video.

Guess what? At the end there is no sign of the promised 500 cash.

This is actually a ploy that is becoming more and more common with these types of programs, and is particularly prevalent with all the binary options trading scams doing the rounds. SIS isn’t binary options trading, but he’s used the same ploy to get people to watch his pitch all the way through.

So Simple Income Solution just feeds people through to the Aspire program run by Digital Altitude.

What is Aspire?

You can read my recent review here, but in a nutshell, Aspire teaches members how to make money through affiliate marketing. They’ve implemented a multi level marketing element to their affiliate and recruitment program, and all Simple Income Solution is about is having people pay money to join up, then click on affiliate links and be taken through to join Aspire, where they will pay another membership fee.

There really is not a hell of a lot more to say about Simple Income Solution, as it’s really nothing more than an empty shell. Jeff ? needs to be more transparent about his motives with this website, as it really is deceptive on a number of levels.

It actually reminds me of how many affiliates of a similar platform called MOBE do things. They also create websites where they claim to have invented their own money making scheme, only to deceptively feed people over to the MOBE platform.

For an opportunity that's completely transparent and honest, check out what's on offer over at Wealthy Affiliate. It's free to join and check it out.


How Does It Work?

This is really simple. You join SIS, then click an affiliate link and then go and join the Aspire program. That’s it.

Like I said, this is all just a feeder site for Aspire, so you might as well read my full aspire review to learn what will happen if you join that particular platform.


Aspire Slogan


Who Is The Target Audience?

I’d say this is targeting newbies to affiliate marketing and people trying to get their start in making money online. Seasoned marketers wouldn’t go near it, and neither would they need to. Money can be made online, and maybe you might like Aspire and Digital Altitude, but there’s no need to join it through the SIS website.


The Pros

  • Nothing I can think of


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The Cons

  • This entire website and program is a deception
  • Simple Income Solution of itself doesn’t really exist
  • Jeff’s photo is just a stock image – it's just a feeder site
  • The bogus limited time/limited spaces available deal is peddled
  • Testimonials from Digital Altitude affiliates


Tools and Training

Nothing. Not unless you go and join Aspire. Then there’s plenty of training on offer, but at quite high prices.


How Much Does Simple Income Solution Cost?

According to the website, normally $397, but now offered at the discount price of just $29. For that you get the privilege of clicking on Jeff’s affiliate link and going through to the Aspire website, where you can pay more money and Jeff earns a commission on top of the $29 fee he charged you to join the empty Simple Income Solution program.

Wow, what a f**cking bargain!


Simple Income Solution Payment Page


Is Simple Income Solution a Scam or Legit Product?

Can you label something that doesn’t really exist a scam?

I guess you can, given that Jeff gets you to pay to join his empty program, and that he offers you $500 to watch his video and doesn’t pay up, and that he’s just funnelling people through to an entirely different program to what he’s advertising.

Sounds all pretty dodgy to me.

I don’t think Digital Altitude train their affiliates to promote in this manner. This is just an idea Jeff himself has had and he’s run with it. I wouldn’t blame Digital Altitude in any way.

But then again, who knows? Maybe it is a part of the training?


Make Money Online the Way I Do

I make money from affiliate marketing and have been for some years now. My business and income is growing all the time and I get to live a lifestyle of having both time and money freedom.

If this appeals to you and you are genuine about finding a way to make real money online, then do as I and many others have done. Get some quality training that is free to try out and join a community of members who will gladly help you every step of the way.

To learn more, just click on the banner below for a no obligation read of what’s on offer. My guide only takes about 5 minutes to read and is well worth a look.


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

2 thoughts on “Is Simple Income Solution a Scam? Sure Looks Like One To Me!

  1. Hi Darren, In reading this article, especially when in reviewing simple income and the fact that naive people getting involved with this phony, money-making venture would really be funneled into Digital Aspire’s program it more than proved that NO ONE should bother to waste even one penny to join the venture.

    The reason is within the past several months, Digital Aspire was shut down by the U.S. Feds as after an investigation, that company was proved to be nothing but an illegal scam and ripping people who joined out of thousands of dollars in the belief that this company’s system would make them rich.

    Therefore since Simple Income solution is, (or was) linked directly to the now defunct Digital Aspire, it is proof positive to stay as far away from this opportunity as possible.

    Despite the fact that the join price was marked down to $29 from the original fee of $397 as you mentioned in your article, still it is $29 that a person would be metaphorically flushing down the toilet as without question the person would not make $1 in this fraudulent opportunity.

    Hopefully more fraud online programs such as Digital Aspire that still exist online, can also be shut down permanently. They all provide a bad name to the honest training programs such as Wealthy Affiliate.

    Jeff, (definitely NOT the guy associated with the formerly active, but bogus Digital Aspire).

    • Hi jeff. Thanks for the heads up and update on Aspire and what’s been happening in the legal circles. It’s always good to get this kind of feedback, so thanks for sharing it with us. Just goes to prove that these schemes associated with Aspire are all dodgy, and they do give legit platforms a bad name in the process.

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