Think Rich Become Rich


Think Rich Become Rich


Just as we are what we eat, we also become what we think about the most.

Think about that for a moment. If you think negative thoughts most of the time – or know someone who does –your reality becomes a reflection of those thoughts. The opposite is also true. If you can honestly train yourself to think positive most of the time, and in the case of this post, think wealthy, you will manifest that wealth in your life.

Think rich become rich isn’t just some made up pie in the sky kind of statement. It’s reality. Everything you do, everything you become or aspire to first starts in the mind. A seed is planted, that seed is watered and nurtured until it grows into full bloom.

The problem with this principle is that it works both ways – for positive and negative results.

Whatever you think about the most and devote the most energy to will eventually become your reality.

The Wealth Attraction Factor WEBThis is a fact. Everything is first conceived in the mind, and most of our day to day actions are performed automatically on autopilot without really giving them a second thought. That’s because the commands are coming from our subconscious, and we have trained our subconscious over and over again with thought patterns from an early age. If any of these thought patterns are negative, then they will be ingrained and sometimes hard to recognise and therefore remove.

The only true way to change our subconscious paradigms is to create new ones that are positive to replace the negative. It can take time, but it can be done. And once those paradigms have been successfully replaced, your life will turn around for the better.

This is especially true when it comes to money. Money, above all other things, is something we worry about the most because we need it every single day. You might say that you need food every single day, but generally you need money to buy that food. People fear not having enough money and we fear losing money when we do have it.

These thoughts are all counterproductive to the process of making money. We need to kick fear to the curb, we need to weed out that negativity associated with money and replace if with good and positive thoughts about wealth and riches.

If our day to day life proves we always have a lack of money, then we are thinking wrong and doing things wrong. It’s time to turn everything on its head and start doing the opposite to what we normally think and do. If what we are doing now isn’t getting the results we truly want and long for, then we need to do the complete opposite to what hasn’t worked in the past.

It’s the only way.

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Start thinking like a rich person. Imagine yourself surrounded by wealth and everything you can do with money. Feel it and believe it. Visualise daily what it is like to live this kind of abundant lifestyle. Pretty soon you will make your subconscious believe this new thought pattern and your mind will start to find genuine ways to bring these thoughts into physical reality. You will become abundant.

Think rich, believe it, feel it and become wealthy.

It can happen, but it all starts in the mind. Get that part right and the rest will follow.

Learn how to think rich and become rich by clicking here…


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

2 thoughts on “Think Rich Become Rich

  1. I think you knock the nail on the head here. You sound a bit like Napolean Hill in his ‘Think and Grow Rich’ book. Just having positive perceptions can change the course of your financial wellbeing. He goes onto say to surround yourself with fellow people wiht similar attitude which I believe you are trying to say about banishing negative thoughts about it. Have you read Napolean Hiil too?

    • Hi Gary. yes I have read Napolean Hill and others and they are an inspiration. Everything starts in the mind and our actions follow. The people we associate with on a regular basis will affect our thoughts and perceptions, so we have to be choosy at least some of the time if we want to overcome limiting negativity.

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