Attract Wealth Now!



“Attract Wealth Now!”

Money Is Everywhere On The InternetIt sure sounds enticing. We all like having money, and we all need money to live, but is it actually possible to attract wealth and how does it work?

Let’s take a brief look at how attracting wealth works and why.



Your Thoughts Control Everything

It’s true: You are what you think you are. You don’t do anything or feel anything until you first have a thought; whether it’s a conscious thought or an unconscious one. Most of what we do from day to day is done on autopilot, out of habits ingrained into our subconscious after years and years of conditioning.

In order to perceive the world with a wealth mindset, you first have to train your mind to think like a wealthy person.

Which brings us to our next topic.


Limiting Beliefs And Money

A limiting belief is a negative paradigm, and it’s any belief or thought that we carry around with us that limits our potential. When it comes to the subject of money, if you are always thinking about your lack of money, or you don’t have enough money, or believe you don’t deserve financial abundance, those are thoughts that not only attract more lack into your life, but also hamper your progress in attaining more wealth.

As humans it’s way easier to think negative thoughts than positive ones, to believe something bad will happen rather than something good. We tend to create mental prisons for ourselves that we can’t escape from. It’s actually quite easy to escape. We just need to change the way we think.


Changing Your Thinking About Money

Cover The Wealth Attraction Factor WEBIn order to attract wealth into your life and learn how to live with a wealthy and abundant mindset, you have to change how you think about money. Believe that you deserve more financial abundance for starters. We all deserve it. All of us are worthy of living a fantastic lifestyle. Someone who’s rich doesn’t deserve it more than you do. They just think differently about money and therefore know how to attract abundance into their life.

If you think like you are already rich, you will retrain the subconscious mind into believing you are already rich. What happens then – when you start to think differently about money – is your mind will begin to see opportunities that either weren’t there before, or you didn’t recognise as opportunities before.

Your limiting beliefs will evaporate and money will start to flow into your life from a variety of sources. This doesn’t mean you will suddenly get rich without any effort on your part (unless you win the lottery). What it does mean is this. Because you are now thinking with a wealth mindset, you will start to try things and travel in directions that can bring wealth into your life. Your eyes will be opened to new ways of doing things, different to what you’ve done before. And things have to change, because if money is lacking in your life right now, that situation won’t alter until you do something different.


Focus On What You Want, Not What You Don’t Have

It sounds like a paradox or contradiction of terms, but once again this is a mindset thing. It’s like the cliché of seeing a glass half empty or half full. Which one is the positive? Half full of course.

When you look around yourself, stop yourself from thinking in terms like:

  • I don’t have
  • I don’t want

These are the starting words of negative statements, and you can’t have that on board if you want to learn how to attract wealth into your life. Focus on what you actually want to have in your life and go about your day to day business believing you already have those things. Make statements beginning with:

  • I am
  • I have

These start off positive statements about your life and how you want things to be. Search the internet for positive affirmations about money and speak them every day until you actually believe them. It’s the beginning of great things.

I’ll be writing more on this subject over time, but if you would like an in-depth read on the subject of how to attract wealth, then read the book:

The Wealth Attraction Factor: Your Path To Infinite Abundance


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

3 thoughts on “Attract Wealth Now!

  1. The concept that you are describing here reminds me of another book I read, called the secret. All the sections of your article have the same makeup as the secret.

    The book you describe having the right mindset Wealth Attraction Factor would be a great book to read. To get the right thought process about making money and getting yourself started on the correct path, this book would be a great motivator.

    • The Secret was based on a principle, which is to get your thinking right in order to attract what you want and desire into your life rather than attracting more of what you don’t want. Thanks for reading and commenting.

      • Yep, can’t escape having to put some effort in, but the difference with LOA and having a positive mindset, is that the effort is worthwhile as you do actually see the rewards. And sometimes they can come in a rush.

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