Get A New Job – Work Online At Home


Get A New Job - Work Online From Home

So you want to get a new job. Or maybe you just need a second job to supplement your income. Are you fed up with working for the man, making someone else rich while you’re just getting by week to week? All your hard work and talent feels like it’s going to waste, benefitting someone else when it should really be helping you get ahead in life instead.

If you want to get a new job, don’t just search for another dead end paid by the hour deal. Work online at home instead, set your own hours, put your efforts and talents at work for you and your business, not someone else’s.

Do you really want to work day after day, year after year for an employer? Sure, the money is steady, but where’s the fun and excitement in that kind of life?

Don’t get me wrong, putting in a hard day’s work for wages is admirable, but unless you’re some high flying executive working for a multi-national corporation, it just doesn’t get you anywhere at the end of the day. Eventually, when you’re 60 or 70 you get to retire and spend what little money you have accumulated on having fun when you’re virtually too damn old to do anything anymore.

Wow, what an awesome deal that is.


Why People Are Employees And Not Employers

I can sum that up in two words: “It’s safe”.

Now that’s not the only reason people work for others. Not everyone can own or run a business. Businesses need workers in order to operate, so there always needs to be workers, and there’s nothing wrong with being an employee. But the point of this post is if you want to get out of the employee trap then you have to make changes and take some chances. Playing it safe never got anyone anywhere. Everyone who has ever accomplished anything great in this world went against the odds and took a chance on something.

  • It’s how businesses got started
  • Inventions were conceived and brought to life
  • Books were written and music was made
  • Vast new lands were explored, paving the way for the masses
  • Seas were sailed and new worlds were discovered

The list goes on and on and on. Those with a sense of adventure, a creative spirit, a will to do something different, something better. These are the people who have made an impact, made a difference to people’s lives as well as their own.

Being an employee for the rest of your life is safe in a way, but just how safe is it? Your entire financial existence depends on your employer keeping you in a job. What happens the day he/she decides they don’t need you anymore? What then? You suddenly have no money coming in. You look for another paid by the hour job to replace it and the cycle continues.

If you’re happy being an employee and don’t aspire to anything else, then stop reading right now. There’s point in going further. On the other hand, if you’re sick and tired of struggling to make ends meet, having to be at work 8, maybe 10 hours a day, and are thinking there must be more to life than this shit, then read on.

Lifestyle Freedom


You Can’t Have True Lifestyle Freedom Working A Day Job

It’s impossible. True lifestyle freedom is having both plenty of time – flexible time – and at least enough money to cover expenses and enjoy life; whatever it is you may like to do. How much money you need to live comfortably really depends on what you like to do. If you have a passion for travelling the world, then you’ll need more cash than someone who is equally as happy sitting on the couch reading a book or watching TV. It’s all relative.

No day job (regular job working for an employer) is going to give you that kind of lifestyle. Most jobs don’t pay very much and they take up just about all of your quality time. That’s just the facts.


Make Money Working Online Instead

The beauty of working online is you can do it from home (or anywhere you like) in your own time at whatever hours you choose. You can still have a regular job in the meantime to keep the wolf from the door while building up your online business. There’s no need to go cold turkey, from one extreme to the other. There can be a very gentle transition from employee to working for yourself online fulltime and quit working for the man.

I work online and have done so for years now. I work when I want and where I want. There’s no reason you can’t do it too if you can break away from that employee mentality trap, believe there is truly more to life than slaving away at a job you maybe even hate. Break free and step outside the comfort zone. Only then can you really make a change in your life.


Make Money Online Like I Do


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

2 thoughts on “Get A New Job – Work Online At Home

  1. I started working online back in 2009 and I have to admit – it’s been a VERY hard path to get where I am now (a lot harder than any day job!).
    Thankfully I’m now at the point where I own and run 5 websites so I do start to see a little more freedom on the horizon. I think it’s all about giving up nearly everything initially – the more you put in the late nights in front of the laptop the quicker you will see results!

    • Hi Chris. You are right, it is hard work in the beginning, and obviously the more time one can devote to their online business the quicker the results will be. I always tell people on this site that there’s no such thing as a get rich quick scheme. Everything takes time and effort, but it’s worth it in the end.

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