Is Direct Online Income a Scam? Or Make Big Money Online?



Is “Direct Online Income” an all out scam, or a reputable and realistic way to make an income online? People were asking questions about this make money online (MMO) program, so i decided to check it out and write a review.

Let’s take a look and see what it's all about…


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Is Direct Online Income A ScamCompany Name: Direct Online Income

Co-Founders: Amanda Jones

Price To Join: $4.95 to start ($39 monthly)

My Rating: 0/10



~ The “Direct Online Income” Review ~



The internet is chock full of make money programs, platforms and training. Some of it's really good, some is okay, some stuff is pretty much a waste of time and money, while there are some products that are nothing short of of being blatant scams.

My website is all about helping people find legit ways to make money online, or learn how to do it with decent training. Whether you just want to earn a bit of extra cash on the side, maybe replace your current day job income, or create a profitable, booming online business. I'm here to help with that.

I write a lot of product reviews of make money programs and training, sorting the good from the bad so you can make wise choices.

I'm really happy that you've found my review of Direct Online Income. It proves that you're willing to take your time and do a bit of research before putting your time and money into something. So many people jump into things without checking them out first, and those are the people that will likely get scammed somewhere along the way.

Let's see if Direct Online Income is any good or not.


What Is Direct Online Income?

For starters, this program (and its creator) has gone under different names in the past. Really that’s a tip off that something is amiss. These money making schemes keep reinventing themselves under new names when the old system developed a bad reputation, was proven to be bogus or just an outright scam.

It’s also known as the “Earn At Home Club”, “Automated Daily Income” and “Online Profit System”. Amanda Jones also uses the names “Emma Stewart” and “Amanda Winston”.

All very dodgy so far.

This scheme is also backed up by videos featuring actors that you regularly see in other videos promoting different online money making schemes. There are false testimonials and convoluted claims of potential money to be made with no real facts to back it up. The sales pitches are all hype with no substance or meat.

One claim is that just 1 hour per day will bring in around $400 in revenue per day. They even use fake news sites to publish articles with themes like “discover how single mother makes over $8000 a month online for only a few hours work”.These schemes just love telling people what they want to hear, rather than the real truth.

You are better off doing something that's proven to work for millions of people all across the globe, and that's a simple and cheap to run affiliate marketing busienss. 

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Direct Online Income News Scam


How It Works

So, what does the Direct Online Income scheme propose it does for its members? How does it allegedly make you money?

Basically the premise is that companies will pay you to drop links to their product and sales pages in places like social media, forums and the like. This is a tactic that used to be used to some effect in the early days on internet marketing, but it really doesn’t work anymore and not many companies are willing to pay for a service that is nowadays deemed obsolete.

Once you join up with this program you will be pounded with upsells for one-on-one coaching sessions at high prices and asked to join various other systems in order to make money. Everything comes at a cost to you, with no real firm way of making an income from any of this. It’s nothing more than a bogus sales funnel to suck money out of you every step of the way.

Copy me and make $1000s a month online…


Who Is The Target Audience?

People who are newcomers to MMO (make money online) schemes. It targets newbies because the makers believe newcomers are more likely to fall victim to the hype and dollar amounts flashed around.


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The Pros

  • Nothing


The Cons

  • Loads of upsells at high prices
  • It’s one long sales funnel
  • There is no logical way of making money from this (unless you are the owner of the scheme)
  • Fake testimonials
  • Actors in the videos
  • Bogus positive reviews
  • Name changes for the owner and the program
  • Red flags flapping about all over the place


Tools and Training

Not much to speak of here, unless you cough up cash for one-on-one coaching.


How Much Does “Direct Online Income” Really Cost?

This gets rather confusing. Depending on how many times you try to click away from the sales page, you will be offered different amounts. There is no free trial, but you can get “started” for as little as $4.95. Then there is a monthly fee of $39.


Is “Direct Online Income” A Scam?

It’s definitely not something I can recommend. The constant changing of the name of the program, mindless upsells, the owner changing identities and no transparency whatsoever all point to scam. And there really is no clear cut way to make money from this program.

Give it a miss.


Try This Instead

I’ve been doing affiliate marketing for years now, and it is a long-term, legitimate way to make money on the internet. It takes some work and time to get started, but if you want a profitable business that basically runs itself in time, giving you the ultimate lifestyle of freedom and money, then give affiliate marketing a try.

Click below for more details on how you can get started for FREE!


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

2 thoughts on “Is Direct Online Income a Scam? Or Make Big Money Online?

  1. Hi Darren, thanks for your review. I had not heard of Direct Online Income until I came across your article, I have however seen those adds of moms making $ from home in a short time. I guess this program could be one of them. I clicked over to your ultimate lifestyle and very inspirational pictures and Wealthy Affiliate, I have definitely heard of them. A great company with community support to make sure you can succeed.
    Excellent and thanks

    • Hi John. Thanks for stopping by. yes, many of these money making programs seem to follow very similar themes and often place ads and editoria;s on other sites with stories about a stay at home mom making $10k per month in her spare time and in a quick timeframe. Unfortunately, like Direct Online Income, most are bogus and don’t even go close to living up to their claims.

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