Is “Stealth Income Machines” a scam, or a genuine and prosperous way to make money online and live the dream lifestyle? The question was being asked whether this was legit or not, so I looked into it and wrote a review. Can this platform really make you the money they claim it can?
Read on to find out what it's all about and uncover the truth…
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Company Name: Stealth Income Machines
Owners: Chris F. and Matt Walker
Price To Join: Free To Sign Up (Initially)
My Rating: 0/10
~ The “Stealth Income Machines” Review ~
The internet is an awesome place to make money, whether it be a little extra for a rainy day, a steady part-time side income, replacing your day job income, or even wealth building. There are just so many opportunities online.
Because of this there are loads of make money schemes and programs, as well as training platforms designed to show you how to make money on the internet.
This is all well and good, but the problem arises when so many make money scams are created day after day, with no other goal in mind than to tell people what they want to hear so the scammers can relieve innocent people of their hard-earned money.
My website is all about helping people find ways to make money online while avoiding the scammers and time wasters in the process.
I'm really glad to see you here reading my review, as it shows you're smart and will first do your research before joining anything. You are far elss likely to ever get conned that way.
Let's now see what Stealth Income Machines is all about and whether it's worth the while.
What Is “Stealth Income Machines”?
For starters, it throws up some red flags. You see, this is yet another reinvention of the same program, also previously known as “Cloud Millionaire” and “Mass Money Machines” and “Cash Cloud Systems”. When the makers continually change the name of their program/system, it’s generally because the old version built up such a poor reputation that they had to rebrand the same useless garbage so they could then start selling it again.
It’s a very common trick with internet scams that promise riches online in very quick time.
The premise behind Stealth Income Machines is it is designed for the user to be able to make a fortune virtually overnight with minimal effort. I wish it were that easy, but it’s not or everybody on the internet would be rich by now.
They even state the claim that you can make $7000 per day within 10 minutes of using their software!
I do affiliate marketing for a living, among other things online, and making money on the internet is not as simple and fast as this mob make out.
Affiliate marketing, if done right, is really worth doing, though. It can bring in consistent streams of passive income year after year. I trained with Wealthy Affiliate, and they even let you join for free!
How It Works
The makers ramble on about a “profit cloud”, also giving it various other labels. However, they erroneously inform people that over 90% of internet traffic comes via this magical cloud, and that hardly anyone else knows about it or how to harness its immense powers.
That’s total BS. This magic money cloud they go on about is nothing more than a figment of their imagination, designed to make it sound like their program is actually worth something.
What allegedly happens is once you join their program, Chris and Matt will make you a website that resides in this magic profit cloud, putting you ahead of just about everyone else on the internet.
The whole idea of this scam is to get you to pay some exorbitant price for web hosting; hosting that you could get a lot cheaper on your own. They have affiliates referring people to Stealth Income Machines, and once you hand over your chunk of money for BS hosting in the fake money cloud, the affiliate gets paid his or her share. The only way to make money out of this is to either be one of the creators, or become an affiliate of Stealth Income Machines. There’s no genuine way of actually making money from the program itself or from your website. It does nothing for the end user.
Copy how I make $1000s in passive income every month online.
Who Is The Target Audience?
This is strictly aimed at people who have no idea how the online space works and zero experience in conducting business online. It’s targeted at newcomers to the internet; those newbies desiring to find a way to cash in on what they perceive the internet to be: A global get rich quick system.
The Pros
- Absolutely nothing
The Cons
- It’s the same program as previous versions, only the name keeps changing
- There’s no conceivable way to make money from it, except as an affiliate
- The magic money cloud is a complete fabrication
- It’s a total scam
Tools and Training
Not much to speak of here.
How Much Does “Stealth Income Machines” Really Cost?
$300+ with their over-priced web hosting in the magic and mythical cloud. Cloud hosting is real, but not in the way these guys describe it. You will likely be put into a sales funnel as well, so they can upsell you the BS products that their friends peddle.
Is “Stealth Income Machines” A Scam?
Definitely don’t recommend this. There’s really nothing to recommend anyway. It’s just a bogus system to get you to pay way too much for web hosting for your duplicate, cookie-cutter website they provide you with.
Stay well away from Stealth Money Machines and all the previous versions under different aliases.
Make Money Online the Genuine Way
I’ve personally been generating multiple streams of income online for years, and one of my favourite ways to do this is with affiliate marketing. If you would like to learn more about how I achieved online success and who helped along the way, just click on the banner below for more detailed information.
Darren Burton
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I love your take on this mythical cloud that generates all the traffic. Sounds like this scheme is based upon pure greed and shows total disrespect for those who are desperately trying to find an answer to their financial woes through the internet. 300 bucks to get started? It looks like only one person is ever gonna get rich off of this thing. Nice article. Well done.
Hi Warren. Yes, I love the mythical cloud that magically rains down money on those who know its secret. One thing I’ll give these scammers, is they can come up with some very amusing and entertaining ideas, even if they are totally bogus. Thanks for stopping by to read about yet another fake money making system. So many of these on the internet.
Thanks for your review.
I also looked through your Scam Alert list – it is impressive how many scams out there.
By the way, did you come across MTTB 21 Step Program?
I just did today, and it looks very much like another MLM scheme selling high tier “educational products”.
From what I understood searching in Google It changed its name a couple of time, same as Stealth Income Machines.
If you do have something to say about it, it would be sweet.
Thanks for your posts – they are helpful.
Best regards.
I haven’t actually heard of the MTTB 21 Step Program. I’ll have to look into it. If it’s changed it’s name a few times, then that’s a huge red flag right there. Thanks for letting us know about it.
Ahh, just like most scams, they created some imaginary, magical “traffic source” that nobody knows about but 90% people are using it. I think everyone would know about it then, right? Sometimes, those scams show how creative can people get. Our imagination is absolutely limitless and these people simply prove it haha! Anyway, so many red flags that I wouldn’t even gaze at this product for more than 10 seconds!
Yes, some of these scammers are very creative with the stuff they come up with. Often I find it quite funny some of the BS they go on with.