Is Commission Machine a Scam? Or Make $2k a Day?



Is “Commission Machine” a scam, or does it present an enormous and ingenious way to make money online and live the ultimate lifestyle? As so many were asking questions about this, i looked into it and wrote a review on it.

Read on to find out the truth…



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Is Commission Machine A ScamCompany Name: The Commission Machine

Owners: Michael Cheney

Price To Join: $47 (to start)

My Rating: 5.5/10



~ The “Commission Machine” Review ~


What Is The “Commission Machine”?

Basically the Commission Machine relies on targeting affiliate offers to your email list. In his sales pitch, owner and creator of the program, Michael Cheney, states that you can be making more than $2000 per day using his system, but you don’t need to be an expert or even have an email list to be able to achieve this. Yet, the whole premise of what this system is based on is having a sizeable email list established to market to.

The sales page when you arrive at The Commission Machines website is your classic “guru” style pitch; quoting figures you can earn, no real work or experience required, pictures of people on the beach and helicopter rides, testimonials, done for you systems so you can make money quicker, only need a few minutes a day.

Hell, everyone would love to be making upwards of $2k a per day only working a few minutes each day. Wouldn’t they?

That’s a major exaggeration of how things work and a distortion of the truth. Anything that can generate those kinds of figures on a regular basis is going to take a lot of work, know how and time in the beginning before that kind of money can be made.


Commission Machine Earnings


How It Works

Basically the gist is this. You start out building an email list, enticing people to join by offering an eBook or some other free product as an incentive. Nothing new there. That’s how most people build their lists. It can take a long time to build a sizeable list though.

Once you have a list to market to, you can start sending your subscribers various offers within your chosen niche. If someone opens and email, follows a link (your affiliate link) and makes a purchase, then you get paid a commission.

Commission Machine is simply promoting affiliate offerings to your email list and on social media channels, collecting commissions as sales are made.

All affiliate marketing methods are basically “commission machines” in a way, but in order to really get the machine kicking over, you need lots of website traffic (for your own affiliate site) or a very big email list to market to.

Here's how I make 10k+ online per month!


Who Is The Target Audience?

Newbies is a sense, with the claims made on the website, but really you need an established email list to make this program work, so in that regard you need to be an experienced marketer who has been in the game for some time. But an experienced marketer with a good sized list won’t even need to spend money on the training that Commission Machine provides. It would be redundant.


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The Pros

  • Good quality, easy to follow video lessons
  • Useful and relevant information


Commission Machine Money

The Cons

  • Quite a few upsells
  • The marketing is deceptive, as you won’t be making thousands of dollars in quick time
  • There is a lot more work to do than what the owner would have you believe
  • More steps in the learning process of affiliate marketing are required


Tools and Training

Commission Machine offers a series of video lessons that will take you through the various stages of building a list and marketing affiliate promotions to your subscribers. The videos are useful and well done, so no problems there. Michael also shows you how to create awesome titles for your emails that will get clicked, and how to properly craft high converting email copy.

There are 7 training videos in total, covering the following subjects:

  • Commission Machine TrainingModule 1: (Introduction)
  • Module 2: (Research)
  • Module 3: (Angle)
  • Module 4: (Providing Incentives)
  • Module 5: (Messages)
  • Module 6: (Deploy)
  • Module 7: (No List Method)

There is really a lot lacking in the training though. What Cheney does teach, he teaches quite well, but there are many other steps involved in successfully making money as an affiliate marketer.

For starters you really need a website to start building that list by attracting traffic to it. There is nothing in the training about building a website, nor how to get that all important traffic. And JVZoo – which Cheney recommends you use to find affiliate offers – is just one of many affiliate companies out there to choose from. There is also nothing about setting up an email marketing campaign, autoresponders, creating squeeze pages and the like. There just really needs to be a lot more to Commission Machine to really make it a worthwhile and fully rounded training program.


How Much Does The “Commission Machine” Cost?

The price starts out at $47, but there are other upsells involved, for done for you packages and email swipes etc.. Throughout the program you are also enticed to spend money joining other related programs (probably run by Cheney or his friends).


Is “Commission Machine” A Scam?

Commission Machine is in no way a scam at all. The videos are good and the information they contain is true. Some of the sales tactics, money to be earned quoted and the time and effort it takes to achieve success are a little deceptive. This system is okay, but it’s going to take a lot more time and work to get anywhere near making $2k a day as Michael Cheney says is possible.

Are those figures possible?

Yes, but it won’t happen overnight and could take months, or likely several years to reach that point.


Get Started the Right Way

If you do the training I did so you establish a solid grounding in affiliate marketing, then later on what’s taught in the Commission Machine training might prove a lot more valuable. But first you have to get started off on the right foot and from the ground up.

Join me in making money online by doing the training at Wealthy Affiliate. It’s free to get started. Just click on the banner below for more information by reading my detailed review. It’s well worth your time taking a look.


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

4 thoughts on “Is Commission Machine a Scam? Or Make $2k a Day?

  1. Darren, any time I see a pitch from a company with “machine” in the title, I get pretty skeptical. A machine implies that something else is going to do the work for you. I like your unbiased review and you verdict that they are not a scam, but an old e-mail affiliate links program. Actually it sounds very doable, but there seems to be a disconnect about whether or not to have a website or not,
    Thanks for the info.

    • Hi Warren. The Commission Machine is not bad. It has potential, but it just lacks some fundamentals within the training to actually get enough traffic to build a successful email list. That’s also very hard to do without a website.

  2. Hello, Darren
    I found your post interesting and informative. I did get an inside perspective of what I would be facing if I proceeded to engage with Commission Machine. It does sound exciting. I don’t know of anyone who wouldn’t want to make an extra $2,000+ with little time involved.

    • Hi Kevin,

      Thanks for leaving your comments.

      Commission Machine is okay, and it’s not dodgy at all, just the marketing is a bit deceptive. Making that kind of cash takes a lot mor work than the owner would have you believe. Still, if you realise that going in, then it’s possibly worth a look.

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