Cash Gifting – TooDamnEasy Review



In this TooDamnEasy review we'll look at whether this cash gifting scheme is a scam or legit, and whether it's worth taking a chance on. I kept getting asked questions about this one, so i looked into it and wrote a review on it.

Read on to learn more…



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Too Damn Easy PostcardCompany Name: Too Damn Easy


Owner: Q

Price To Join: $2000 to get started

My Rating: 0/10



~ TooDamnEasy Review ~



You’ve only got to look at the start of the main sales video to know that this system is suspect. The video is hardly impressive. Q starts off by offering us some out-of-focus footage of a pile of $100 notes. The stack of cash then falls over and he spends the next minute or so rearranging it.

According to his site Q first got going with his cash gifting system way back in 1998 when things like chain letters and Ponzi schemes were in full flight. I even got sucked into a few of those ‘get rich quick’ offline schemes back in the 90s myself. Needless to say I never actually made any money; just lost some bucks.

I’d say Q would have made a bit of money with his system way back when he started. Like I mentioned, these schemes were running riot all over the world at that time. These days things like this just scream “SCAM!”. With the advent and development of the internet we are now a well-informed bunch. If anything is dodgy or suspect or an obvious rip-off, then it gets written about all over the web.

Anything that promises ridiculously easy cash in quick time for virtually no effort has got to be bogus. Nothing works like that. I’ve spent my whole adult life searching for that kind of thing; many years spent trying to get rich quick.

Guess what?

It hasn’t happened.

Cash Machine


How Cash Gifting Works

Cash gifting is basically either a pyramid type scheme or revenue raising through a chain letter (or chain mail) type program. Everyone who joins the program has to give cash gifts to people on a list, or their sponsor. In an attempt to get around any illegalities they use the word ‘gifting’, as giving someone of gift of either money or goods is not considered to be any sort of crime. There are variations of the cash gifting system, but generally they work in a down line. As your down line grows the more people there are gifting you cash. Everyone from the bottom up gives gifts and the people at the top make the most. Those who are last in line get nothing. They just get to give. If there is no one under them, there is no one to gift them money.

Q offers a 25 page eBook explaining how his system works. Apparently this book is a gift, even despite the high price to join this scam.

YouTube is riddled with videos both for this system and many others just like it. All the presentations look similar, with someone boasting about how much money they make every day, week or month and showing off cash-stuffed envelopes, piles of money, or boxes filled with cash.

It’s the exact same systems as those that were used in the offline world, only now people pushing these scams on the internet can find suckers from all over the world to send them cash.


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The only positives I could find in any of this was having a bit of a laugh watching his ridiculous videos and reading his bogus website content. Some of the photos and testimonials were also quite entertaining and amusing, too.

That’s about it. Can’t think of anything else good to say.



Cash In SafeEverything about the website looks very amateurish. Certainly doesn’t look like it’s been designed by a guy who reputedly makes over 6 figures a month from his system. If Q is making that much money, then surely he could afford to pay someone to build him a decent website. Perhaps he could even afford to pay a cameraman to shoot his very basic and unstructured videos for him.

Even the way he writes the content for his website he comes across sounding like an arrogant scam artist. Very off-putting to me.

Q actually lists 11 websites on his main site as other places you can buy into his cash gifting system. What’s that about? Why does he need 11 websites all for the same thing?


How Much Does It Cost?

Initial gifts are $2000, so not cheap to get started. You don’t get to own anything or have a product to promote. You just have to work your butt off convincing others to join the scam so they can gift you $2000 each. Can’t be too hard, can it?



At the end of the day cash gifting and schemes similar to this are illegal. Maybe you might get lucky and make some cash. Then again, maybe you might get lucky and have an extended holiday in a cramped and dinghy jail cell. Your choice.

Personally, I’d stay well away from this scam and anything even remotely like it. You won’t get rich doing it and you could ultimately just find yourself in hot water with the law.


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A Better Way To Make Money Online

As I’ve stated in a number of posts on Many Income Streams, I’ve searched high and low for get rich quick schemes that work. I’ve never found one. And needless to say I’ve never gotten rich quick.

If you genuinely want to set up some online income streams that are worth your time and effort – and cost very little money to begin – then I seriously recommend you look into joining Wealthy Affiliate and doing their comprehensive training. It’s free to sign up for a starter account and you can also access free training that teaches you step by step how to start a successful online business. It’s certainly a much better option than joining some scammy cash gifting scheme like TooDamnEasy. Click on the banner above for my full review.



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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

4 thoughts on “Cash Gifting – TooDamnEasy Review

  1. This is the first I’ve heard of too damn easy! I have to say it’s pretty catchy! LOL. I remember getting sucked into those chain letters saying to send $1.00 to each person on the list and I would get back over $1000. I never made a dime and I don’t think anyone joining this program will either. Thanks for bringing it to the publics attention.

    • I really wish making money was “too damn easy”. Unfortunately it’s not. I can’t remember how I first came across this Too Damn Easy site, but once I started watching the amateurish video I just knew I had to look into it and write a review. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Yes it is really easy! Wealthy affiliate has done so much for me! I opened a free account and within three months I was making money. They taught me how to build a website and make connections with people online to help boost my business. They even teach you a lot of things about seo.

    • Wealthy Affiliate does make it easy to learn this business. Everything in the training is one step at a time and clearly explained so anybody can understand it and do it.

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