Google Sniper – Is It A Scam?



Google Sniper – Is it a scam or not? So what is Google Sniper exactly? What does it do…or snipe? Is it worth paying up to join this platform, or just a waste of time and money?

Pay close attention and read on…



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Google-Sniper-PictureCompany Name: Google Sniper


Owner: George Brown

Price To Join: $47 ??? – Varies

My Rating: 5/10



Google Sniper 4.0 Review


A Quick Overview of Google Sniper

First, it’s important to note that Google Sniper is in no way, shape or form affiliated with the Google company, nor is Google Sniper endorsed by Google in any fashion. It is an independent company that uses Google’s name for its sniping program.

Google Sniper has been around for a number of years now and was created by internet marketer/entrepreneur, George Brown. There’s little doubt George knows his stuff, having made over half a million dollars from internet marketing when he was just 17.

Recently the company released Google Sniper 4.0 in a bid to stay a step ahead of Google’s regular search engine algorithm changes. The company has been forced to bring out updated versions because Google’s changes keep making the program out-dated and obsolete.

YouTube is loaded with videos on Google Sniper, almost all of which have links that send you directly to the Google Sniper squeeze page and the never-ending video sales pitch by George Brown.


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It’s An Internet Marketing Course

Google Sniper CourseEssentially Google Sniper is an internet marketing course, teaching you how to make money as an affiliate marketer. Nothing wrong with that. Plenty of places out there selling coaching on making a living as an online marketer.

The driving force behind Google Sniper is the ability to target low competition keywords so your content ranks high in Google and gets traffic. You get traffic to your monetised website and you make affiliate sales. All affiliate marketers strive to achieve high Google ranks with targeted keywords. Nothing new there.

The course consists of a series of training videos and an eBook, and one can get a little lost trying to keep track of what’s being taught. And much of what’s taught in the course can be sourced for free on the internet anyway, if you take the time to do your own research.


What Are The Benefits?

The course will benefit those not looking to get rich quick – contrary to the Google Sniper sales pitch.

The course teaches you the ins and outs of affiliate marketing and how to target those all-important keywords; namely the ones with very low competition. It also shows you how to find profitable niches, and affiliate products you can promote within those niches.

It shows you a few industry shortcuts and would be of benefit to those just starting out in the online business world. Learn about exact match domains (matching your domain name exactly with a phrase of low competition keywords), learn how to build one page websites (essentially squeeze pages), discover what low hanging fruit keywords are.

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The Cons

George Brown for one.

One thing I really don’t like about this program is its lack of a proper landing page. Go to the Google Sniper site and all you see is a video of George waffling on endlessly about how he doesn’t want to make money out of you, and only asks for payment for his system as a donation to enable him to ‘give it away’.

There is nothing else on the website, and you don’t get to access any more information until you enter your email and click the big yellow “Download Now” button.

Where’s the free trial? Where’s the chance to have a look at what’s really on offer before deciding to pay for it? After all, you don’t go out and buy a car without first seeing it and taking it for a test drive. A legitimate program, a legitimate system will allow you to see what’s being sold before you make a decision to purchase it.

The limited slots line for people to be able to join his money making program is just a sales pitch. There would be as many slots available as there would be people willing to hand over their cash.

By the way, one page web pages with very little content have next to no chance of ranking high in Google searches these days. It doesn’t matter how great your keyword selection is, Google just isn’t likely to rank a site that is only one page. Search engines are looking for quality content now to avoid websites with little value for the reader.

Google Sniper Income 

How Much Does Google Sniper Cost?

Here’s where it gets really confusing. At one point you can sign up for a mere $1 for a 5 day trial. Then we’re told it’s $47 for everything. We’re also told it costs $47 per month to take part of the Google Sniper system. There’s also a $67 per month option for some strange reason. There are constant upsells and down sells with this program, and you keep getting hit up with further discounts every time you try to leave their squeeze page (sales page).

While Google Sniper offers a 60 day money back guarantee, there are a lot of complaints around internet forums about people struggling to get money refunded from the company.


In Conclusion

While I don’t think the Google Sniper system is an out-and-out scam, the presentation of the system and the claims of how easy and quick it is to make money is a scam. No system can make you thousands of dollars in the first month, not unless you have thousands to spend buying targeted traffic. Also the fact that George keeps insisting he only wants money from you as compensation for giving his program away is a scam. He’s not giving it away. He’s selling it! If the money you gave him was truly a donation, then giving the money would be optional, not an absolute necessity.

If you really want to take a look at Google Sniper you can find it here.

But if you are really serious about learning how to make money online, with no initial cost to you, without the long-winded sales pitch, then I highly recommend you check out Wealthy Affiliate.


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

6 thoughts on “Google Sniper – Is It A Scam?

  1. Hi
    I am glad you didn’t make the conclusion that the actual program is a scam as it obviously works for some. however as you say the sales pitch is the scam part.

    all to often successful entrepreneurs turn their system into a money making machine itself and that becomes the sole income earner. it is now almost like network marketing and MLM where the system is sold to only generate networking profits and not as a product anymore
    Good review..

    • Thanks, Christopher.
      I actually don’t mind the system, and I love the Google Sniper name. The sales pitch video, while interesting, starts to grate on me when George keeps insisting he’s not selling his program, but asking for compensation for giving it away. Why doesn’t he just admit that he’s selling it? There’s nothing wrong with that.

  2. Hello Darren,

    Good review about google sniper, i am new at affiliate marketing & i am always searching for marketing tools & i liked your website very much, good to see also a detailed review for these programs specially if you will pay to get the course, for me and my conclusion regarding google sniper it’s not worth your money & there is other programs better this program, thanks for sharing.


    • I love the name “Google Sniper”. Kind of sounds cool. Parts of the program are okay, but they speak a hell of a lot of hype about the kind of cash you can make and how quickly. Plus, much of the program’s way of doing things is outdated.

  3. Hello Darren,

    Thanks for covering all information about google sniper. You had clear it up that this is not a part of google system. If I didn’t know this maybe I would have a try. One thing more there is no guarantee that there will be coaching when its member struggling to learn of how to start with this system and how it will work. He just mentioned of his huge earnings but not clearly explain how it happen. And that turned off my interest.
    This is very honest review. Great job! you have a big heart for people out there to help them find real system for making money online.


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