Is “Facebook Bonanza” A Scam? $1.8 Million In Just 90 Days?



Is “Facebook Bonanza” a scam or not? That's the exact question so many people have been asking. Is it a genuine opportunity to make money on the internet via the social media giant? There's a lot of hype about this one, but can it live up to it?

Pay close attention and read on to discover the truth….


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Is Facebook Bonanza A ScamCompany Name: Facebook Bonanza

Owners: Uncertain

Price To Join: $47 + Upsells

My Rating: 1/10



~ The Facebook Bonanza Review ~



More than 3 billion people across the globe go online every single day, whether it's for general web surfing, work, shopping, or running a business online. It really is a huge marketplace and never before have we been spoilt with so many choices and options for things.

Because so many people are looking to the internet these days to find ways to make money, it's led to multitudes of make money programs and training platforms being devised and sold to consumers. But how do we know what's worthwhile and what to avoid?

That's where product reviews come into play. On my website I help people find legit ways to make money online. That's why I write so many reviews of make money programs and trainings. It helps to sort the good from the bad.

I'm really glad you found your way to my review of Facebook Bonanza. It proves you're smart and do your research before joining something and handing your money over. That's always a good idea.

Let's now see whether Facebook Bonanza is any good or not.


What Is “Facebook Bonanza”?

It’s a catchy name, but what does this system actually do? How do you make money with Facebook Bonanza?

There are websites everywhere promoting this system at the moment and all of them seem to be pointing to a site called “Millionaire’s Blueprint”, which is basically just a sales video page with a short presentation from some semi-bald guy claiming to have made over $1.8 million in just 90 days.

From what I can glean on the internet, Facebook Bonanza has been constantly rebranding itself and changing its name. That’s a huge red flag right from the outset. Schemes (or possible scams) usually employ this practice to reinvent themselves after being exposed as bogus.

Facebook has over 1 billion daily visitors to their social media platform. That’s enormous! This makes it ripe for mega promotions of products and other offers. Facebook Bonanza was created to take advantage of this massive marketplace.

Allegedly, after paying your joining fee you receive 1 on 1 coaching about making money online from Facebook. You will be greeted with urgency tactics, claiming you need to sign up fast as spots are limited. Really? Would Facebook Bonanza put a ceiling on the number of people they’ll allow themselves to take money off?

You will also hear ludicrous claims of the amount of money you can make in very quick time with their program. There are also fake testimonials, upsells and down sells. There is even an official YouTube video promoting Facebook Bonanza which isn’t really about Facebook Bonanza at all when you watch it.

All in all this program is loaded with things that should set off anybody’s alarm bells. It’s as dodgy as hell.

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Who Is The Target Audience?

Aimed at newbies. People who are keen to make some quick money online but really have no idea about it. Systems like this one prey on the inexperienced, desperate and uninitiated.


The Pros

  • Nothing I can come up with.


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The Cons

  • Loads of red flags in their sales video.
  • The internet is full of complaints about Facebook Bonanza (other than those people promoting it as affiliates).
  • The company keeps changing its name.
  • Very little information available about what it actually does to help you make money via Facebook.


Tools and Training

  • 1 on 1 coaching on how to make money online via Facebook.
  • A series of video guides that offer training to make money on Facebook.
  • How to get your own personal automated money making system.

Copy the way I make $1000s a month online in residual and passive income!


Facebook Bonanza Videos


How Much Does “Facebook Bonanza” Cost?

It’s starts out at $47, but when you go to click away from the web page you immediately get offered a $20 discount. If you go ahead and surrender your email address or sign up, you will be bombarded with a whole bunch of other offers to pay for.


Is “Facebook Bonanza” A Scam?

To be honest I’ve never used it as there are just too many red flags for me, too many name changes and so many people on the internet outright claiming it to be a scam. Parting with money just to test it out would be futile in my opinion.

So, the general consensus is that Facebook Bonanza is indeed a scam. Steer clear of this one. There doesn't seem to be any grey area. I've done my research and no one (except the makers of Facebook Bonanza themselves) has anything good to say about it.


Here’s A Tried And True Method Of Making Money Online

If you want to make legitimate money online by setting up a simple business that costs very little to get started, then do the training I did and many thousands of others have done. Many people are successful in making money online, but they all have several things in common.

  1. They learnt the right way to go about it.
  2. They have the passion to succeed at it.

If you have the passion and are willing to learn how to make an online income, then click the link below and read about my #1 recommendation.


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

2 thoughts on “Is “Facebook Bonanza” A Scam? $1.8 Million In Just 90 Days?

  1. Hi Darren–

    Thank you for this upfront and straight to the point review. I appreciate that since it is geared toward newbies, that you clarify the red flags that you’ve noticed. I’m sure that this helps other new bloggers with identifying other products like Facebook Bonanza that they should be weary of.

    Good stuff. Thanks for keeping it totally real.

    My best,
    Nerissa S.


    • Unfortunately there are just so many dodgy schemes out there. There are some good ones as well, but it’s a matter of sifting through what’s on offer to find a legitimate program to get involved in.

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