“Wealthy Affiliate” Affiliate Program


Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate ProgramIf you are looking for an affiliate program and you are involved in the make money online niche, then you really should consider getting involved in the Wealthy Affiliate affiliate program. While the commissions aren’t huge, they can build up to a very nice consistent income. The team at Wealthy Affiliate always pay on time every time on the first day of a new month and payments are for commissions earned in the previous month, so no waiting long periods to receive the money that is rightfully yours.


Earn 10k Per Month


A Brief Overview Of Wealthy Affiliate

For those readers who are unfamiliar with Wealthy Affiliate, it is a training platform that teaches you all about affiliate marketing, how to build and monetise websites, fill them out with quality content and get traffic. There is loads of training available and it’s very easy to follow. The other great thing about Wealthy Affiliate is the very active and helpful community, where everyone has a spirit of “pay it forward”; meaning they all help each other out on the road to success.

Read my full review of Wealthy Affiliate here.


Create A Residual Income

When you refer others to Wealthy Affiliate via your affiliate links on your websites and social media, people join up as free Starter Members to begin with. When they complete their profile – upload a photo and add a little bit of text – you receive $1 just for that. If they decide to go Premium, you receive $8 in commission on their first month (new Premium Members get the first month at a discounted price). If your referral remains a Premium Member, you receive a commission of $23.50 for every month after that. If they purchase a domain name through WA you also get $1 for that.

But the real cream is in the Premium Memberships. It’s true that people come and go from Wealthy Affiliate, but if you could maintain a steady stream of 100 Premium referrals at any given time, then that’s a monthly income of $2350. Not bad considering it basically becomes a passive income stream over time. Times that figure by 4 and you’re looking almost a 5 figure monthly income from just this one affiliate program! These are not one-off sales, but membership sales, so you keep making residual commissions from the one sale. That’s the beauty of this affiliate program.

* All figures are in US dollars and the rate of commission is based on the fact that you are also a Premium Member of Wealthy Affiliate.


The Deal For Free Starter Members

Free Starter Members can still participate in the Wealthy Affiliate affiliate program. The downside is you only get paid half the commission rate that a Premium Member gets. It’s well worth going Premium just for this fact alone. Premium also opens up the doors to all of the great training and gives you full, unencumbered access to everything the site and community has to offer.


Do The Bootcamp Training At Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Bootcamp

There are two main phases of training on offer over at Wealthy Affiliate, but the one you really want to get into – if you want to learn how to promote the WA platform and maximise your affiliate commissions – is the Bootcamp Training.

In Affiliate Bootcamp you will be shown in detail, from start to finish, how to set up an affiliate site to promote Wealthy Affiliate and other online opportunities. You will be taught everything you need to know to make your business a success. It takes work doing the training and getting your site started, but it’s well worth it. Believe me, I’ve done it and can speak from both experience and the heart. Anything that can create a residual income stream is a good thing.

There are 7 levels to Bootcamp with 10 lessons per level. Just about all the lessons are a combination of text to read and videos to watch. The training makes sense, is step-by-step and very easy to follow. And at any time, if you don’t quite understand something, simply ask a question in the comments section for the lesson and you will receive answers. It’s also interactive, as in you will be creating your site, optimising it for SEO and filling it with content while going through the training. By the time you finish the training you will have a very decent website established and ranking in the search engines. It’s a great training and business model.


Get Started In Affiliate Marketing

If you are not already an online marketer and want to learn how, then do the training at Wealthy Affiliate. As this post is all about the Wealthy Affiliate referral program, then focus on the Bootcamp Training rather than the other options available there. The commissions can certainly build up to be a very lucrative income stream, where you get paid over and over again for every single sale.


A Call To Action

It doesn’t matter whether you are new to affiliate marketing or a seasoned pro, the affiliate program at Wealthy Affiliate is well worth promoting. The beauty of it is the residual income potential. In case you haven’t guessed by now, I’m very big on setting up residual streams of income. It’s the very reason I created this website and have written so many posts about it. I believe in it and so should you if you want true lifestyle freedom.

So I challenge you to go on over to Wealthy Affiliate, set up a free account, make a start on the Bootcamp, then upgrade to a Premium Membership and really start promoting Wealthy Affiliate in a big way. So click on the big colourful banner below and get started now, today. No time like the present. The sooner you begin, the sooner you can start bringing in the cash.

Join Wealthy Affiliate


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

4 thoughts on ““Wealthy Affiliate” Affiliate Program

  1. Wealthy Affiliate seems like a good income stream. Building a website and create our own business on it is definitely the most legitimate way to make money online nowadays. After reading your review, I have full confident to join WA.
    But I would like to know that how much could I earn after one year if I could only gain one referral per day?

    • Hi Cyril. Thanks for your comment and your question. Wealthy Affiliate is a great residual income business. They have a little calculator tool on the site, and if you got one referral a day you would be making around $300 per month, as there is an attrition rate and people do come and go. Now, $300 a month doesn’t sound like a lot, but remember it’s residual. Also, one referral a day is very conservative over the course of an entire year. Imagine you had your site bringing in 10 referrals a day. Suddenly your income is $3000 per month, just from one website promoting one product.

  2. Well I’ve been a member of many different affiliate programs over the years but this sounds like a pretty good deal…especially the backup of a $1 if the customer does not go fully premium. Tell me, do they pay out in Paypal every month – this would be a big bonus for me!

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