Complete Profit Code Reviews – What Is Complete Profit Code About?



What is Complete Profit Code about? Is it a scam or a real opportunity? Can it really make you nearly $400 a day every day for just one hour of work?

Let’s take a closer look and find out…



Complete Profit Code Reviews


Company Name: Complete Profit Code

Owner: Karen Evans

Price To Join: $97

My Rating: 0/10




~ Complete Profit Code Reviews ~



On this website I like to make people aware of the scams to avoid, and those platforms that really are not worth your money or your time. The very fact that you are here reading this review means you are wise enough to do your research first, and that's a good thing.


If you are sick and tired of scams and are looking for something that actually works, then click below to learn more about how I make money online.

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What Is Complete Profit Code and How Does It Work?

I’ve previously reviewed quite a number of these sites and they are all created by the same bunch of scammers. One of the recent ones I reviewed – Financial Health Reset – also lists the owner’s name as the notorious Karen Evans. These sites are all just a rebirth of the exact same scam. The sites look the same, promote the same bogus messages, and all say their platform has been featured on the world’s top news channels.

It’s all fake, all of it!

Let’s take a look at the Complete Profit Code. What is it they say you’ll be doing to be making $379 per day for an hour of your time. By the way, they claim this exact amount of money on all of their numerous websites.

They state on their websites and in their advertising that you can land an internet job with them, or even a career online. Once you join you will soon discover that this is nothing more than some empty and worthless link posting scam which will make you exactly zero dollars.

Link posting is something companies used to pay for in the early days of the internet, to help spread the word about their product or business. It doesn’t happen today; not in the way Complete Profit Code claims.

All this mob really want is your details, to lure you into a sales funnel, get your email and phone number and then hound you until you agree to buy expensive programs and training packages, all with the promise of being able to make big money online.

These people are complete parasites and they offer you nothing. They just want your money and nothing more. All their websites and their marketing is 100% deceptive. Everything they tell you is a lie. Do some research on the Complete Profit Code and similar sites and you’ll soon see. They even quote famous people, as if to say these big business tycoons have personally endorsed their bogus products when, in actual fact, they have nothing to do with them and publicly denounce these scammers.


Complete Profit Code News Banner


The Red Flags

  • All state you will earn $379 a day
  • They often use the exact same aliases for several sites
  • They’ll include clippings of news stories with the same photos, but just change the name of the person in the story
  • The fake news endorsement ploy
  • The claim that limited spaces are available
  • They use known actors from freelancer site, Fiverr, for their videos
  • They employ freelancers to write their glowing testimonials, then use stock photos for the image of the person allegedly writing the review
  • I’ve counted at least 20-30 websites by these scammers all promoting the exact same BS
  • They all charge a non-refundable $97 for nothing
  • They sell your details to 3rd parties
  • You will be spammed by email and phone to buy expensive products and training packages, many of them also scams
  • They love using the story of how some broke single mother discovered their great online job and now makes thousands of dollars per month online




Target Audience

These vultures prey on the unwary, those people who are completely new to the concept of an internet job or doing business online. They sell the ultimate lifestyle dream or working for yourself from home, making easy money in no time flat. It’s all a complete fantasy.


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How Much Does Complete Profit Code Cost To Join?

They have the hide and audacity to charge people nearly 100 bucks to join their scam, then spend the rest of the time trying to milk more money out of every unsuspecting cash cow that joins their platform. On top of that, once they sell off your details to other scammers, you will be harassed by email and phone from all manner of people from all over the globe trying to peddle you something.


Is Complete Profit Code a Scam?

Complete Profit Code is an absolute rort. It’s a scam. It is the pure definition of an online scam. Join and you will never see any money from it. Likely you will just be thousands of dollars lighter after these scammers have finished fleecing you. I’ve never been able to nail down who is behind this series of scam websites or where they are located. They’re pretty good at hiding themselves. Even the law hasn’t been able to catch up with them yet, but it’ll happen one day.

Stay well away from this dodgy deal and anything that resembles it, because it will likely be the same people behind it.


Make REAL Money Online Like I Do!

Stay away from the online scams. There are a lot of them out there, but there are genuine opportunities and real training platforms as well.

One of my main money earners online is my affiliate marketing business. Anyone can do this if you are shown how. Affiliate marketing can lead to living a life of both time and money freedom. No more working for a boss, you get to spend more time with those you really care about, can travel whenever you like and really just enjoy life more.

Who doesn't want that? Right?

To learn more about affiliate marketing and where I trained to discover the tools and techniques for success, just click the banner below to read my detailed review. It’s well worth a look.


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

2 thoughts on “Complete Profit Code Reviews – What Is Complete Profit Code About?

  1. Hi Darren
    Thanks for sharing this post. It’s great to have bloggers like yourself highlighting programs like this which are scams. I heard of a few of them before but this one was new to me. I can personally vouch for Wealthy Affiliate being a great program where you genuinely learn new skills without the scam. Keep up the good work!


    • Hi James. It’s sad that there are so many scams out there in the make money online niche. I liek to let people know about them, as well as making people aware of some platforms that are worth their time and legitimate. Thanks for stopping by.

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