How To Attract Money Now!



How To Attract Money NowWe all want and need money, but many of us unconsciously tend to repel money rather than attract it into our lives. If you want to know how to attract money now, then read on…..

Believe That You Deserve Money

This is really a key point to getting into the right mindset to begin with to attract money. We often feel guilty about desiring wealth and abundance, which is really stupid when you think about it. All of us deserve and have a right to a happy and abundant lifestyle just as much as anyone who already enjoys that privilege.

It is critical that you change the way you think about money. Really dig deep and recognise those limiting beliefs you may harbour about money; beliefs that were most likely ingrained into your psyche from a very young age. Weed out any negative thoughts about money and clear your mind. Recognise money for what it is; merely a tool to be used in day to day life just like anything else you use every day. Money is nothing sacred or anything to be revered. It’s a bargaining chip and a means to an end. Nothing more.

You deserve to have an abundant supply of money just as much as you have the right to a continuous supply of fresh drinking water.


Get Comfortable With Money

In order to attract money and not repel it, you first have to be comfortable with money. I’m going to ask you a question and I want you to really think about it.

Imagine you are in possession of a large some of money right this minute. How does it make you feel?

The answer you really want to have to this question is; you feel happy and completely comfortable with it.

Many of us have an ingrained fear of having money even though we feel we really, genuinely want it. We fear having it and losing it. We worry that it may change who we are.

To attract the wealth that you desire you first have to develop a good relationship with money, recognise it for what it is – a tool, a means to an end – stop fearing money or having a lack of it and growing really comfortable with the prospect of having a lot of money in your life.


Limiting Beliefs About Money

Limiting beliefs about money are one of the biggest killers to attracting consistent money and wealth into our lives.

A very common one is believing that money – or wanting money – is a bad thing; that it’s evil. Money is a good thing and an essential part of modern day society. It’s very hard to do anything without it. It’s not only needed for survival, but also for bettering our lives and affording the things and lifestyle we desire.

That’s another common limiting belief about money: Telling ourselves that money is not important. It is highly important.

Then there is the misconception that money and abundance are limited is another popular limiting belief when it comes to wealth. And here is another misleading statement: The only way to make more money is to work harder or get another job. Working harder is rarely the answer. I know plenty of honest, hardworking people who are flat broke.

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right”


The Power Of Visualisation

Make a list and write down exactly what you want to attract into your life. Think of a figure of money you want. Write that down. Don’t just imagine money though. Visualise what it is you would like to do and buy with that money and live it out in your mind first. The more your subconscious mind believes that what you are visualising is true, the more action it will take to make those visualisations a reality.

Practise visualisation every day. Feel what it’s like to have that money you desire. Really experience the emotion of it. This is a vital component to attracting wealth into your life, adding emotion to your visualisations about money and what it will do for you.

If you need to, create a vision board or a mind movie with appropriate images and music to really drive it into your subconscious how much you want and desire wealth and the things it can buy. And never feel guilty about wanting money.



These have just been a few tips for getting on the path to attracting more money into your life. For a more comprehensive study on the subject of attracting wealth, read the following book:

The Wealth Attraction Factor: Your Path To Infinite Abundance


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

2 thoughts on “How To Attract Money Now!

  1. This is a great article to get you thinking in the correct concept about money and how it plays into our lives.

    This article’s idea reminds me of the book I read “The Secret” many years ago that was quite popular for a while.

    The book you feature in the right column “The Wealth Attraction Factor” reminds me of a new spin-off of what the secret is all about.

    Are you familiar with The Secret and is this along the same lines?

    • I’ve watched the movie version of The Secret a few times. I’ve been big on the law of attraction and learning how to think better for years now. The Wealth Attraction Factor is along the lines of The Secret, but more of a focus on money and a bit more to the point. Thanks for reading and commenting.

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