Is Affiliate Marketing Worth It?


Is Affiliate Marketing Worth It

Is affiliate marketing worth it?

If you are considering getting into affiliate marketing, or maybe you might have already started but aren’t seeing results yet, then this is an obvious question. And a fair enough question at that.

Unfortunately there is no easy answer to this question as there are just so many variables (just like with anything in life). We are all individuals and we are all unique. This fact alone can affect how you both feel about your affiliate marketing business and whether you have the tenacity to succeed in this lucrative, but competitive industry.


Affiliate Marketing Is Not A “Get Rich Quick Scheme”

If you see anything out there promoted by the so-called gurus of internet marketing that claim if you buy their program and you’ll see instant results with big dollar figures attached, stay well away from it, because it will be a scam. Especially if they purport that affiliate marketing – done their way – can guarantee you riches overnight. It’s bullshit!

Affiliate marketing takes work, and it will be a while before you start to see any monetary reward for your efforts. The secret to success in this business is definitely perseverance. If you can outlast the next would be marketer, who will likely quit after a month or two, then you are well on your way to success. You see, while this business is competitive, it also has a very high attrition rate. People expect to make money quickly and easily, so while there may seem to be a lot of affiliate marketers out there, the majority won’t last more than a month. Stick with it, give yourself at least 6 months to a year, and you will become one of the seasoned and experienced marketers out there; one of the ones who will have an established online business that is generating a consistent income.


Be Forewarned

If you are going to really make a go of an affiliate marketing business, then don’t go into it expecting to make money right away or see instant results. Also, be prepared to put the effort in. Any other way of thinking and you’ll just be setting yourself up for disappointment.

Affiliate marketing is definitely worth getting into and can be a fantastic online business that gives you time and money freedom as well as allowing you to work from home or anywhere and set your own hours, but it does take work and it definitely takes some time to really gain momentum.

Read this post I wrote on affiliate marketing success from some people I know.

If you are interested in being an Amazon affiliate, then read this.


Get The Proper Training

I trained with Wealthy Affiliate. There are some other good training programs out there, but I like this one the best. It’s very easy to follow and you get a free trial to test it out to see if it’s for you. If you want to sign up for a free, no obligation account at Wealthy Affiliate, then click on the banner below. It will take you through to their website and sign up page (no credit card required).

But I challenge you to only join if you are serious and dedicated to starting a legitimate online business that can potentially set you up for life if you are prepared to stick with it, do the training and apply what you learn. If you aren’t serious about creating a genuine affiliate marketing business, then don’t bother joining Wealthy Affiliate as you will only be wasting your own time.

An affiliate marketing business takes dedication, but the results are well worth it!

Wealthy Affiliate University


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

2 thoughts on “Is Affiliate Marketing Worth It?

  1. Thank you about the post on Affiliate marketing, I understand why people want to start out big when it comes to online income. Because anyone and everyone says they are making seven figures.

    You naturally feel inadequate when you are making next to nothing.

    But as Darren stated, is a process. And when you build the foundations with proper schooling you will see the sustainable results you deserve.

    • You are exactly right.

      I’ve never understood why so many people think there is such big money and instant riches online. It doesn’t work that way in the offline world. You have far more scope to reach more people online, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy or instant by any means.

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