Is Financial Independence Academy a Scam? It Sure Is!



Is Financial Independence Academy a scam or not? They claim you can make $400 a day for only an hour of work, but is it true or just a sales pitch to relieve you of your hard earned cash?

Let’s check it out and see what it's all about…



Is Financial Independence Academy a ScamCompany Name: Financial Independence Academy

Owner: Bobbie Robinson

Price To Join: $97

My Rating: 0/10



~ Financial Independence Academy Reviews ~



Many people are searching for ways to make money on the internet. While there are many legit opportunities and training programs, the internet is also prone to attracting scammers. I try to expose every scam I come across and write about it on my site, so hopefully I can help people avoid falling for a scam.


Avoid the scams and dodgy platforms. Click below to see what I do. I know it works!

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What Is Financial Independence Academy and How Does It Work?

This mob keep bringing out new websites peddling the exact same dodgy scheme. Most of the websites look similar with very similar logos, some of the owner names are repeated (although they’re aliases). They all sport the same news network logos and claim to have been featured on these news channels. They also feature actors from freelance sites in their hyped-up videos that never really tell you anything other than how much easy money you will be making. Their hyper-positive testimonials are written by freelancers as well and they use stock photos for the images.

All this website is really promoting is a link posting scam, just like all its clones. There is no internet job or career like they make out. It’s all fake.

Here are names of a few other programs that are the exact same deal:

And that’s just a few of the ones I’ve reviewed. I’ve reviewed others, and there seem to be quite a few more out there.

So what is the fake job they are offering?

Financial Independence Academy claim you can make $15 every time you place a link online for retailers and other companies. These companies allegedly pay Financial Independence Academy for advertising on their website, and Financial Independence Academy pay people like us to send them traffic.

It’s all a well known hoax. When you create this many websites all pulling the same scam, word soon gets around.

What this mob really needs is your details. They get your name, email and phone number when you join and use these against you. They will constantly bombard your phone and email with expensive upsells once you’ve unwittingly entered their sales funnel. They then sell your details to others, so you will also get harassed by all manner of spammers and telemarketers.


Financial Independence Academy Lifestyle


The Fake News Features

Financial Independence Academy has never been featured on a major news network, nor has their bogus "job opportunity". They only put these impressive banners on their site to make their scheme sound like it's for real. Don't be suckered in by this kind of BS. So many dodgy platforms utilise this cheap ploy.


Fake News Banner


Are Positions Really Limited? Nope

I see this tactic used all the time, and not just by scams. It's a common idea to try and get people to take action by either limiting the time of an offer, or restricting it to a certain number of people. Financial Indepence Academy use the limited positions variety of scarcity. It's all just a ruse though. Visit their site next week or next month and they'll still have a position open for you. After all, it's your money they want. They're not going to turn that down, are they?


Target Audience

These parasites are like birds of prey, swooping down on unsuspecting newcomers to making money online, ensnaring them in their talons and dragging them off to some internet purgatory. A bit melodramatic maybe, but these people are simply in the business of deceiving others and relieving them of their money. Click here to learn how to make a legitimate online income…


The Pros

  • Sorry, but there are no positives to report


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The Cons

  • Financial Independence Academy and its brothers and sisters are a big con
  • They just keep reinventing themselves under new names
  • You will be spammed big time
  • You also risk identity fraud
  • They are stealing your $97 joining fee to sign you up for a fake job offer
  • Fake testimonials and videos
  • Fake income figures and work required
  • An internet search will reveal complaints about these scammers everywhere
  • No real product support whatsoever
  • No refunds are available


Home Wealth Remedy Fake News Story


How Much Does Financial Independence Academy Cost?

They charge you a cool $97 to join this scam. For that you get the privilege of constant upsells, promising you that you will then be able to make the money they claim in their sales pitch if you buy these high ticket items. It’s all a con. If you purchase their upsells you’ll likely be a few thousand dollars lighter and still no closer to being able to make money online.


Is Financial Independence Academy a Scam?

This is definitely a scam just like all its offspring and siblings. Everything about this website is a facade. The owners use underhanded tactics and deception to hook people in with the lure of easy money, claiming you will make $400 a day working for only one hour. That’s like about $12k per month for roughly 30 hours of work. That a big drawcard, but it’s all BS.

Just stay well away from this one and all the other sites that you suspect might be the same thing. There really is no opportunity here other than to lose your money.


A Legit Way To Make Money Online

Holidays MaldivesMaking money online is not rocket science. Anyone can do it if they’re shown the right way how. I make money in a number of ways:

The last one on that list is what makes me the most money these days. I earn a few income streams from this and much of it is passive or residual in nature. Affiliate marketing is not some get rich quick scheme. It takes some time and work, but it’s well worth it. Plus, it’s a long-term business model. You will derive income from it – good income – for many years to come. You don’t even need to buy and sell anything. You simply promote products from other companies and earn commissions when sales are made through your recommendations.


Click the banner below to learn more and discover the easiest way to get started. It all begins with the right training and guidance, and that’s what I’m introducing you to.


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

2 thoughts on “Is Financial Independence Academy a Scam? It Sure Is!

  1. At the first, the name “Financial Independence Academy” seemed genuine until I read your review to look under the hood.

    With the $400 daily income promise from simply posting links on the web – I can see why a lot of newbies would be drawn to this scam like moths to a flame.

    It’s really quite funny how the scammers try every dirty manipulation trick under the sun to grab your cash because it proves how desperate they really are.

    If they put so much effort into creating fake stories, and generally creating the fraudulent sales pages, then why can’t they put the effort into actually creating something “LEGIT”? Some people in this world just have no shame!

    I appreciate the red flashing light scam warning, and I ‘ll definitely be running for the hills when it comes to FIA.


    • It’s interesting how this one uses the word “academy”, when there is no academy or any real training attached to Financial Independence Academy. It’s just anothe rone of these link posting scams brought out by the same scammers. There seems to be no end to their websites pushing this same con. They keep popping up like weeds.

      Glad you found the review helpful, Neil. My aim on this site is to help people find ways to make money online, as well as highlight any good programs or tools I come across. I also like to  point out the scams I come across as I go. Cheers.

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