What is “Get My Ads (GMA)”? Is it legit, or is Get My Ads a scam that promises riches but can’t deliver on those promises? I kept hearing about it, so I looked into this make money scheme and wrote a review.
Read on to find out more and learn the truth….
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Company Name: Get My Ads (GMA)
Owners: Frank Hanson
Price To Join: Free To Start
My Rating: 1.5/10
~ The “Get My Ads” Review ~
The internet is full of ways to make money. I mean, more than 3 billion people go online every single day around the world. That's massive!
Because it's such a vast realm of possible wealth, it's given rise to multitudes of make money programs and training platforms. Now, some of these platforms are good, but there is also a lot of stuff out there that's just a waste of time and money, and some programs are nothing more than scams designed to take your money.
My website is all about sorting the good from the bad so my readers know what to try and what to stay away from. That's why I write so many product reviews.
I'm really happy to see you here reading my review of Get My Ads. It proves you are smart enough to do your homework before joining something and handing your money over.
Let's see how Get My Ads stacks up.
What Is “Get My Ads”?
Get My Ads, also commonly known as GMA, is yet another one of the endless ad pack purchasing/revenue sharing schemes that seem to be proliferating the internet these days. You get to join for free and become a GMA affiliate so you can then promote the system and get your share of the profits. That’s how you make your money; by recruiting other members.
As with all these ad purchasing schemes, you need to first be spending money on your own ad packs in order to be able to make any money. GMA haven’t created anything new here. These systems are a dime a dozen on the internet and they all function pretty much the same way, eventually petering out and leaving many people without any profit at all.
The minimum spend is $50 to purchase enough tokens to get you first ad pack. You can either use those tokens to purchase advertising to promote your own business or products, or use the tokens to recruit other members.
Basically the remuneration works on an MLM system, as you start to build a downline and make money from those beneath you each time they purchase ad packs. It’s a typical pyramid scheme and everyone involved is aware of this. The buying and selling of advertising is merely in place to legitimise the scheme. The real value is for people to make commissions from enticing others to buy ad packs.
The problem with these systems is they always reach a saturation point where no one makes any money anymore, and in fact many people who have invested a lot in ad packs will actually lose a lot of cash.
These systems run for a while, but they can never sustain themselves because nothing is actually being produced. It’s nothing more than a bunch of people swapping money with each other, with those at the top of the hill taking all the cream.
Schemes like this have no future, that's why I suggest setting up something more secure for yourself. Do what I do and make money online with a simple affiliate marketing business. It's easy to do if you follow the training at Wealthy Affiliate, and you can even join up for FREE!
Who Is The Target Audience?
Those looking to make quick and easy money online. Not recommended for anyone chasing a sustainable long-term business.
The Pros
- Quick and easy to get started
- You can join for free
The Cons
- You would need to invest a lot of money to have a chance of making good money
- Takes a lot of work promoting and recruiting new members, possibly for zero reward
- These business ideas and systems can’t sustain themselves
- Payouts are very inconsistent
- Charge a 12% fee when purchasing tokens with a credit card
Tools and Training
Not much in the way of training, but all the tools you need to recruit members, buy tokens and promote ads are all available.
How Much Does “Get My Ads” Cost?
Free to join, but to make money you need to recruit other members and spend money on tokens to either use to buy ads or lure new recruits. Each token costs $50 with a 1% ROI. You really need to be investing thousands to have a chance of making any real money, and that’s extremely high-risk with these kinds of systems.
Is “Get My Ads” A Scam?
Get My Ads isn’t an outright scam, and most people who buy into these schemes generally know what they are. It’s not impossible to make money, but you would be better off starting your own rev share program to make decent money than buy into someone else’s.
It’s highly unlikely that you’ll ever see the kind of profits GMA claim you can make. Extremely unlikely. If anything, you just risk losing thousands of dollars of your own money.
My #1 Recommendation
One of the most profitable and long-term businesses you could hope to do online is an affiliate marketing business. Not only can this type of business generate an income for many years to come, the skills you learn will set you up to be able to branch off into other ventures; including creating and/or selling your own products.
Anyone of any age or background can do affiliate marketing, and it’s very cheap to get started. All you really need to begin is a computer, the internet and a willingness to apply yourself.
I trained with one of the best companies online – Wealthy Affiliate.
With Wealthy Affiliate you can join for free and even earn while you learn; as their training helps you build a business from scratch, from day one, step-by-step.
To learn more about Wealthy Affiliate, click below.
Darren Burton
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I have run across these types of revenue share programs like Get My Ads.
I don’t think that people really understand that they can lose a lot of money with these schemes.
Plus as soon as one shuts down, another pops up to take its place. Hopefully once enough people get burned, these revenue sharing programs will lose their allure.
Hi Chris,
It can get a little frustrating seeing so many people willing to put time and money into these rev share schemes, but don’t want to take you up on a legitimate business opportunity that will make them money for years to come.
It’s the allure of get rich quick with no effort, but yet rev share requires a lot of effort and a huge investment to ever have a chance of making any decent money…Provided the program lasts long enough for anyone to reach that point.