Is Seacret Direct a Scam? Should You Become a Seacret Agent?



Is Seacret Direct a scam? I was asked this question, so I decided to look into this network marketing deal. Maybe you’ve been approached to buy these personal care products, or have thought of joining the business, but is it worth getting involved in? Can you make decent money with this one?

Let’s take a closer look and uncover the truth…


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Is Seacret Direct a ScamCompany Name: Seacret Direct, LLC

Founders: Moty & Izhak Ben Shabahael

Price To Join: $99

My Rating: 5/10



~ Seacret Direct Review ~


What Is Seacret Direct?

This is a company that uses sea salts and minerals from the Dead Sea in the Middle East. They have all sorts of skincare and beauty products, and the company also has a business opportunity attached.

The Seacret company was started in 2005 and is global, operating in more than 40 countries around the world. So far Seacret has done over $1 billion in sales. The company actually has its manufacturing plant located right near the Dead Sea itself.


Is Seacret Direct a Scam


Seacret Products

The Dead Sea is world famous for its riches in salt, minerals and rejuvenating muds. It has long been reported that the nutrients found in the Dead Sea are great for the skin, so it only makes sense to manufacture skincare, personal care products and cosmetics from its inherent natural goodness.

The products are generally distributed through the direct sales method as well as multi level marketing, and you’ll often come across booths in shopping malls around the world where salespeople basically harass you to try out the products.

They have a selection of products for both women and men and some of the Seacret products include:

  • Cosmetics
  • Exfoliating balms
  • Mud masks
  • Moisturisers
  • Anti-aging creams
  • Facial peels
  • Body scrubs
  • And much more…


Seacret Products


All of these products are expensive; partly due to their inherent benefits and the location of the ingredients, but also because the company uses the MLM compensation structure, which naturally jacks the prices up.

I bought some sort of after shave balm from a stall in a mall a few years back and it cost me over $50 for a tube. I liked it, but expensive.

A good way to promote the products of a MLM company is to have your own website. You can create one really easily if you follow the training at Wealthy Affiliate, as well as discover more money making opportunities in the process.


Selling Seacret Products and Their Compensation Plan

When you join the business side of Seacret Direct, you become known as a “Seacret Agent”. Pretty cool title. There are a number of different ways you can make money with Seacret, being a network marketing/MLM company. Let’s quickly list a few of the options:

  • Home parties (called Spa Parties)
  • Selling direct in shopping malls
  • Promoting the products and opportunity online (website, social media)
  • The preferred customer auto-ship plan
  • Recruitment and building a team

I’m not a big believer in the home party option. Maybe as a one-off idea, but that’s about it.

The preferred customer option works on autopilot. Once you have customers that want regular shipments, they receive products from the company every month and you earn residual commissions.

The shopping mall idea works on hardcore hustling, as you will know if you’ve ever encountered a group of people selling Seacret products.

Promoting products and the business opportunity online is one of the better ways to go, as you can target a much wider audience and do it all from home.

Like any MLM opportunity, the real income potential is in recruiting others into your downlines.

The MLM side of things works on a binary model, where you have both a left and right downline leg. The levels go to infinity, so you can keep on earning as far deep as you like. This is one of the reasons why the price of the products is so high.

There are also different ranks you can achieve within the organisation, which gives you greater earning potential from residual commissions and bonuses.

Click here to read the Seacret compensation plan in more detail

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Is Seacret a Pyramid Scheme?

MLM businesses are often accused of being illegal pyramid schemes because their compensation plans work on a pyramid structure. But to be classified as an illegal pyramid scheme, Seacret would have to have zero products. Because they have products, they can’t be a naked pyramid scam.


Seacret Performance Bonuses


Target Audience

This is definitely targeted at people who are in love with these types of Dead Sea products. MLM also appeals to people who want to start a business by joining something that is already established.


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What I Like

  • The products do contain genuine Dead Sea salts and minerals
  • The products are actually quite nice and good for the skin
  • You can make some decent commissions


What I Don’t Like

  • The prices are really expensive, which makes doing business pretty tough going
  • Mall sellers are always over the top aggressive with their sales tactics
  • Any MLM business is one of the toughest ways to make money
  • There is a lot of competition in this niche
  • Recruitment into a business like this will be an uphill and ongoing battle
  • Binary compensation plans are the least fair of all MLM structures
  • 95% of people fail at MLM ventures
  • The majority of distributors make no profit




How Much Does Seacret Direct Cost?

To get started selling Seacret products you first need to purchase a Launch Kit for US $99. This kit contains important information so you truly understand the benefits of Seacret products, as well as samples of Mud and other products. It also comes with all the tools and resources you need to get started and grow your business.


Is Seacret Direct a Scam?

I don’t see any scam here, but I think it would be a very tough business to make money in. That’s probably why these sellers in the shopping malls are so aggressive with their sales tactics. They have to be to get people to try out the products. The Seacret products are good quality, but they are excessively expensive and any MLM venture is a really hard way to make decent and consistent income. There are better ways. See below…


Forget MLM – Make Money With Affiliate Marketing Instead

I do affiliate marketing for a living these days. In the past I’ve been involved in MLM. Affiliate marketing is way better in so many ways. The advantages over MLM are many.

This is just a small list, but you get the idea. I was able to achieve fulltime success with affiliate marketing because I received great training. It starts with a free trial and you can read my full review by clicking the banner below.


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

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