The Bauman Letter Review – Legally Stash Your Cash!



Is The Bauman Letter a scam or sound financial and investment advise contained in a monthly newsletter? There has been a lot of hype recently about Ted Bauman’s monthly reports, but can these Ted Bauman reviews really be trusted? And is his newsletter worthwhile?

Let’s take a closer look and find out the truth…



The Bauman Letter Review

Company Name: The Bauman Letter

Owner: Ted Bauman

Price To Join: $49-$79

My Rating: 6/10


~ The Bauman Letter Review ~



Never before has there been so many opportunities to make money since the internet came into being, and things like The Bauman Letter, which offer investment and financial advice, are just one of many.

Unfortunately the online world is also rife with scams, and on my website I expose any scams I come across, as well as schemes that aren’t scams but are not worth your time and money. No doubt you’ve heard about The Bauman Letter, either in an email or online, and decided to look into it before subscribing, so it’s great to see you here reading my review.

Apart from letting people know about the scams, I’ll also write reviews about the good money making opportunities and training platforms as well.

Let’s see how The Bauman Letter measures up. Is it worth your while or not?


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What Is The Bauman Letter?

There are quite a few Bauman Letter reviews out there. Some sing it's praises while others are not so favourable. So what's the real truth?

The Bauman Letter is a monthly newsletter written by self-proclaimed investment guru, Ted Bauman, and it’s published by a company called Banyan Hill Publishing, who deal in the financial sector.

“Bold Freedom and Rogue Prosperity”

Those are the promises offered on the sales page.

Ted claims to have over 100k newsletter subscribers to date, so fairly impressive figures. The idea of subscribing to his regular financial newsletter is the glean expert advice on where to invest your money, targeting investments that are safe and guaranteed to give you a return. There is also lots of information on how to get out of paying maximum taxes.

It actually sounds somewhat similar to Real Wealth Strategist by Matt Badiali, also published monthly by Banyan Hill. I wrote a review on Matt’s newsletter and his Freedom Checks a few months ago.

While Ted Bauman doesn’t come from a background in Wall Street like many of the authors and advisors at Banyan Hill, he does boast a history a working as an account manager for a number of notable non-profit organisations globally. In addition, he studied at a South African University in Cape Town, where he achieved postgraduate degrees in history and economics.

All the information contained in the newsletter isn’t all Ted’s advice. He also includes knowledge and information from money managers, lawyers and international bankers.

The main emphasis of The Bauman Letter is on discovering and exploiting tax loopholes and international banking, so a little different from some of Banyan Hill’s other newsletters, which tend to focus more on stock market trading and investments.

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The Bauman Letter Review


What Inside The Bauman Letter?

Ted BaumanThe main thrust of this newsletter is to offer covert tactics of avoidance and detection when it comes to money matters. Some things that are regularly covered include:

  • Tax avoidance
  • Guarding against government surveillance
  • Growing assets through smart investment
  • Moving money offshore
  • Discovering overseas tax havens
  • And more…

Some of this information sounds borderline when it comes to the law, but Bauman insists he’s not teaching or telling people to break any laws, just merely showing you how you can improve your financial situation by learning more about your options.

He also covers more standard ideas such as investing in exchange traded funds, commodities, stocks and bonds.

There are two options for The Bauman Letter:

  1. Regular
  2. Elite

They both offer the same information as far as the newsletter goes, but the Elite version comes with more bonuses.


“Where To Stash Your Cash Legally”

This is a paperback book authored by both Ted Bauman and his father Robert Bauman, which basically offers the same kind of advice as the newsletter, except it’s contained in one handy little book.

It’s all about sourcing overseas tax havens and how you can get around paying big taxes on your investments and accumulated wealth. There are also personal, business and financial strategies.


Target Audience

While this newsletter does targets investors, it’s more aimed at people looking to hide their wealth and retain as much of their money as possible by using certain ploys to avoid paying major taxes on their income and assets. It’s more aimed at people who have already accumulated wealth rather than those seeking money making opportunities.


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What I Like

  • There are some really sound ideas offered when it comes to overseas tax havens and the like
  • Ted Bauman has worked in a variety of places abroad
  • With the Elite package there are some cool bonuses, like the book
  • Money back guarantee


What I Don’t Like and Red Flags

  • Some of the information might be sailing close to the wind legally
  • Ted doesn’t have a huge financial background when it comes to investing
  • Banyan Hill Publishing has suffered its share of complaints over the years for publishing newsletters that offer some rather dodgy advice at times


How Much Does The Bauman Letter Cost?

The Regular edition of the newsletter costs $49 for a one year subscription, while the Elite version sets you back $79 for the year. With Elite you receive both hard copy material as well as digital access to the newsletter, and you also get a paperback copy of the book Where To Stash Your Cash legally.


The Bauman Letter


Is The Bauman Letter a Scam?

Look, regardless of maybe offering some questionable advice that’s borderline illegal in some respects, I don’t see any scam going on here. Ted is basically just letting people know about other offshore options so they can avoid paying the massive and greedy taxes that local government demands.

Along with exposing the loopholes and letting you know where you can stash your cash, there is also some advice offered for investments in stocks, bonds and commodities. Always be sure to research any ideas first with other sources before putting your money into an investment Ted suggests. The more people you can find who agree with Ted’s investment advice, the more sound the investment will actually be.

The newsletter seems okay. Might be worth a look, and they do offer a money back guarantee on this one.

If you are really interested in learning how to make money online by trading the markets, then I recommend checking out this awesome course at Traders Academy Club that shows you how to be profitable.


Join Me In Making Real Money Online – Here’s How I Do It!

Along with investing and finding places to “stash your cash”, there are loads of cool ways to make money on the internet from anywhere in the world. That’s the beauty of the internet – you can be anywhere and make money.

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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

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