The Law To Attracting Money



The Law To Attracting MoneyThe law to attracting money is very real, but it’s actually not that complicated. In fact, it’s very simple. Forget what all the law of attraction gurus tell you when they say things like, “What the hit movie The Secret failed to tell you. Buy my course and I’ll reveal the reason why the law of attraction isn’t working for you”.

The law of attraction is a law just like any other law of nature or the universe. It’s as real as gravity, but applying this law is psychological and not physical, that’s what makes it a little more difficult for people and why they struggle to apply it effectively.

If you drop an orange from your hand, you know without a doubt that it will fall to the ground. It’s not something you have to think about. But when it comes to the law of attraction – because it all begins with your thoughts and the results aren’t as immediate or obvious – it can be very easy to doubt that it works. And if you have any doubt, guess what? It won’t work.


The Key To The Secret

That’s the key right there. No doubting, just complete faith that want you want and desire will be yours. You have to really live it though. You have to know that you want more money, you have to have a figure firmly planted in your mind of how much money you want, and you have to feel – really feel – that you already have that money in your possession.

If you can do that without wavering in your belief that you will have it, then you will have it.


The Steps To Attracting Money

These are the simple steps to attracting money into your life. Stick to them, follow them and have no doubt, then wait and see what happens.

  1. Think only positive thoughts about money.
  2. Recite positive affirmations about money.
  3. Visualise an exact figure of money that you want to manifest.
  4. Get emotionally attached to your money vision.
  5. Think and live like the money is already yours, like you’re already in possession of this sum of money.
  6. Don’t doubt, don’t get negative. Erase all negative thoughts about money from your mind. Keep the faith that this money is yours and will materialise any day now.
  7. Expect this sum of money to come into your life.


It All Starts With How You Think

The Wealth Attraction Factor WEBAnd it does. Until you get your thinking right about money and erase all negative thoughts about money from both your conscious and subconscious mind, it will prove very difficult to attract large sums of money into your life. That’s why affirmations are such a good thing. Reciting them, with feeling, day after day retrains both your conscious and subconscious to think and believe only positive things about money.

Once you really, truly begin thinking all good things about money and start to expect money to come into your life, guess what happens? Not only does money start to appear from unexpected sources, you will start to notice opportunities to make large sums of money; opportunities and ideas that maybe you didn’t notice before because your mind wasn’t on the right wavelength.


The Law Of Attraction Is Very Real

It is real. There’s no doubt about that. I’ve seen it work countless times in my own life and in the lives of others. It’s not some sort of spiritual mumbo jumbo. It all starts with how your mind thinks and goes from there. It really is that simple.

Unfortunately it’s human nature to think negatively much of the time. If you can change your thoughts about money to consistently positive ones, the money will start to flow into your life.

For a bit more detail on the subject, read the following book.

The Wealth Attraction Factor: Your Path To Infinite Abundance

It’s only short and to the point, because that’s all the subject of attracting money needs to be to make it work. There’s no need to complicate something that isn’t complicated. It’s a very simple process. Only your mind will complicate it, so don’t let it.


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

2 thoughts on “The Law To Attracting Money

  1. Hello Darren,

    you are absolutely right, the law of attraction is real. I’ve seen it in my life as well. The sad part is that the vast majority of people will never understand it. It’s usually very hard for people to believe in what they cannot see yet. And by the way, any accomplishment requires work. Many people want to have a lot of money while doing nothing…

    • Yep, can’t escape having to put some effort in, but the difference with LOA and having a positive mindset, is that the effort is worthwhile as you do actually see the rewards. And sometimes they can come in a rush.

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