Is 100K Factory Revolution a Scam? Business Success or Bankruptcy?



Is 100K Factory a scam or a genuine blueprint to make money selling products online? The creators make some very bold claims, but can the platform live up to its own promises?

Let’s take a look and find out…



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Is 100K Factory Revolution a ScamCompany Name: 100K Factory Revolution

Owner: Aidan Booth and Steven Clayton

Price To Join: $2497

My Rating: 4/10



~ 100K Factory Revolution Review ~


What Is 100K Factory Revolution?

Well, the very first thing you’ll notice about 100K Factory Revolution is the price tag – almost $2500!

That’s a very big starting price point. Let’s find out if this program can actually justify figures like that. What do we actually get for that kind of money?

For starters, 100K Factory Revolution is a platform that teaches you how to start an online internet marketing business and transform it into a $100K a year money spinner. This is actually the second time this program has been launched. It first came to everyone’s attention in 2015, then went through a revamp and reappeared in 2017 with this latest version.

A hundred thousand a year is a good figure to aim for, but what I found a little hard to swallow is when they claim you will be making money within 24 hours. They also say that you won’t have to wait a full year to make $100k, but a mere 60 days after starting your eCommerce stores.


100K Factory Revolution Income Claim


How It Works and the Training

They actually have written a detailed case study that really goes into depth on how their system can make you $100K in just 2 months.

The main training goes for 8 weeks, during which time you will be establishing 4 eCommerce websites so you can earn as you learn. That’s the idea anyway. The aim is to try and achieve a 5% conversion rate, from website traffic to product purchases.

Here are the steps you will be taking over 8 weeks if you decided to join 100K Factory Revolution:

  1. In the first step you are taught how to pick popular products to sell on your stores. You are chasing products that sell really well, are priced fairly, can be adapted to social media and have decent profit margins to work with. In the training you are shown the kinds of products you should target and which ones are best left alone.
  2. Next you will be setting up a series of websites and testing their effectiveness for attracting traffic and getting sales. You keep the ones that appear to be working and trash the others.
  3. Now it’s time to ramp things up a bit. You will be creating ads to display to you target market once you’ve nailed that down. The guys have included a tool called the “Audience Matrix”. This helps you identify the customers who are most likely to buy your products.
  4. Getting close to halfway through your training you are given another tool called “Vulcan”. This helps you fine tune your advertising campaigns so that you actually have less ad spend than profit made. Which is essential for you to stay in business.
  5. In this module you’ll be doing more testing to optimise those all-important sales. Here you will experiment with various price points, shipping costs, testing different website designs, email lists and refining your target market.
  6. Now it’s time for the super funnel launch. This is all about sales pages that convert; either in actual sales, or subscribers to your email list.
  7. The final step in the program is to rinse and repeat the process until you have at least 4 sites that are profitable and running along optimally.

The success of this really depends on choosing the right products and being committed to regular testing and making changes where needed. I think it’s a huge ask to expect to be able to learn how to do all this, narrow things down to 4 websites that are working well and be generating a profit of $100K all within 2 months.

This is doable, but I think the timeframe is very unrealistic. People would be putting too much pressure on themselves to do this in such a short space of time and will likely make costly mistakes. It would work out a lot better, I think, if people took more time to achieve the 100K goal.


Target Audience

I think those with some internet marketing or affiliate marketing experience would be more suited to giving this a go. People completely new to making money online would just be overwhelmed.


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What I Like

  • It’s quite good training and a pretty sound plan
  • The first version of this platform proved to be popular and successful


What I Don’t Like

  • It’s way too expensive
  • The expectations and timeframes for success are unrealistic
  • There will be a lot of other expenses involved in setting all this up
  • Your advertising costs could go through the roof
  • You won’t be making money within 24 hours

100K Factory Revolution Owners

How Much Does 100K Factory Revolution Cost?

It costs $2497 just to sign up for this training and tuition, which is a huge ask. After that you will be buying domain names, web hosting, setting up email accounts and paying out who knows how much in advertising. This whole idea is not cheap and you won’t even be able to think about attempting it without a decent bankroll.


Is 100K Factory Revolution a Scam?

I don’t believe there is any scam here. What I really have an issue with is the price they are charging for the training. It’s way too steep in my opinion. There is better out there for far less money.


Make Money Online Like I Do

I make a living online with my affiliate marketing business. It’s a lot simpler to set up and run than eCommerce and costs virtually nothing to get profitable. These days much of my income in rather passive. Work I did in the past still makes me money now. It takes some time and commitment, but this is really worth trying your hand at if you want to make money online but don’t have a lot of capital.

I followed a proven blueprint for success and you can to. Just click the banner below to discover how to get started.


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

2 thoughts on “Is 100K Factory Revolution a Scam? Business Success or Bankruptcy?

  1. Wow, that price is unbelievable! After reading through this, it does sound like something I would love to try out, but the price is just too much for the average person trying to make something in this online business.

    Maybe one day when I have won the lottery I can give this a go! haha Thank you for reviewing them though. It is nice to see that not all of these are scams!

    • Yeah, the 100k Factory Revolution is pretty expensive for someone to take the plunge in making money on the internet. It’s not a bad platform with some great training, and if the price was cheaper and a lot fairer, I would have rated it more highly. Really it’s far too expensive, though. There are far cheaper ways to learn how to make money online.

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