Is Profit With Our Sites a Scam? Is Making Money Online Really That Easy?



Is Profit With Our Sites a scam or not? Jake makes this system sound ever so simple, but is it really that easy to make money with this platform?

Let’s take a closer look and see…


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Is Profit With Our Sites a ScamCompany Name: Profit With Our Sites

Owner: Jake

Price To Join: $37

My Rating: 0/10



~ Profit With Our Sites Review ~


What Is Profit With Our Sites and How Does It Work?

I recently wrote a review on another platform also created by a guy named Jake. It’s called Copy My Websites and this site is an exact copy of everything that’s on that one. He’s just offering up the exact same system, but has just created a new website and changed the name of the platform to Profit With Our Sites.

In fact, upon closer inspection, there seems to be absolutely no change from the Copy My Websites site. Only the name is different. Often people will reinvent the same deal under a new name because the old one was getting a bad reputation. So, a definite red flag there. I rated his last website a scam, so this one will be no different.

So what has Jake created with both Copy My Websites and Profit With Our Sites?

Well, for starters he has created something that benefits himself way more than it will you, if it offers you anything good at all. He makes everything sound so simple and quick when it comes to using his system to make money online. Jake actually makes it sound like making money on the internet requires virtually no time or effort whatsoever.

I make a fulltime income entirely online, and these days much of my income is passive. However, there was definitely work to be done to reach the point I'm at now. Click here to learn how I did it.

This is a line all the so-called gurus like to preach. It’s only designed to suck people in. The online world is a complex beast with lots of competition. Why do people say or assume that making money online should be so much faster and easier than in the offline world?

Virtually with just a few mouse clicks – after you pay Jake his $37, of course – you will be raking in over $1000 a day or more almost immediately.

Come on, Jake. We know it’s not as simple as that.

He plans to just hand his websites over to us, sites that make him so much money, so we can then become his actual competition, thus vastly reducing his 1k a day deal just to get $37 out of us for his platform.

If that doesn’t scream dodgy, then nothing does.

He also goes on to suggest that once we put his websites (that he gives to us) in motion, all we have to do from that point on is kick back and plan our next around the world trip as all the money starts to flood in completely on autopilot.

As you can tell, Jake’s system is very obviously a magic one, unlike anything else out there. It’s amazing he shares it with us at all, let alone for the bargain price of just 37 bucks. Thanks, Jake. He even goes on to inform us that this websites have made him a cool $10 million over the past 4 years.

Seriously, if this guy had a system like that there is no way he would be sharing it with us. It’s a scam. That’s why he goes on about how much money we can make and why he charges us $37. His websites make no money except when people like us pay him to get his magic money making platform.

Once you have watched the initial video to tell us how awesome his system is without him actually telling us a thing about how it all works, you will then be introduced to a series of video testimonials that heap praise on Jake and his masterpiece. These people are actors hiring their services out on Fiverr. They are reading from a script in the videos, a script that Jake wrote for them.

Another laughable thing I saw too was a fake income claim. Often these might be high, but somewhat believable. This one is to the tune of $7 million!

But Jake will hand over his cash cow to us for just $37.


Copy My Websites Income Claim


Target Audience

Most gurus and internet scammers know what buttons to push to get newbies to join their scams. Those who don’t have much experience making money online often think it’s quick and easy. Why?

Because all the gurus tell them it is! But it’s not the truth.

The point is, when newcomers go online searching for a way to make money outside of the job they hate, they instantly look for the shiny objects, the get rich quick schemes, because they’ve already been conditioned to believe that’s how it works on the internet.

So therefore, they end up finding heaps of platforms that offer big money, very quickly and with the greatest of ease. They join these scams, get conned, then believe everything online is a scam.

Profit With Our Sites is targeting this never-ending stream of newcomers searching for those magical shiny object, money making platforms to join.


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Tools and Training

If you were to join Profit With Our Sites, Jake will give you a bunch of premade websites. All they are is capture pages, stuff you can freely make yourself, or pay a freelancer to make quite cheaply. The pages have email opt in forms embedded within them and the idea is to send traffic to these pages so you can build an email list of subscribers to market affiliate products to.

It actually can take quite a while to build a sizeable subscriber list, so there’s no way you’ll be making a grand a day almost immediately. Far from it. With Jake’s incomplete and very basic system you will never be making any money, actually.

To complete this system you will need an email service to handle the database for your list and to allow you to set a series of automatically sent emails via an autoresponder. To get traffic to your capture pages you will have to buy it through things like solo ads, as capture pages are not going to get any organic search traffic from Google and co.

You will also either need to host those capture pages on your email platform (generally at an extra cost), or pay for domain names and hosting yourself.

Jake has a small amount of training on the basics of email marketing, and you get to learn how to open an account with the digital affiliate platform, ClickBank. This is where he recommends getting your affiliate offers.


What I Like

  • I like the $7 million income example. At least it gives me a laugh


What I Don’t Like

  • This system is incomplete in so many ways
  • It will never work as is
  • It will never make any money as is
  • This isn’t even worth free in my opinion
  • Jake uses fake testimonials to give him credibility
  • There really is nothing worthwhile here
  • He’s changed the name of his scam to reinvent it and scam new people
  • All you are getting is a few capture pages and the most basic training on Earth


Profit With Our Sites Capture Pages


How Much Does Profit With Our Sites Cost?

The starting price is set at $37. Often you will find that gets discounted when you try to leave the sales page without ordering. I managed to get the price down to $17, which is still too much for this empty platform.

Even if you did join, you would need the web hosting, domain names and the email autoresponder service. On top of that, buying traffic through things like solo ads will cost you thousands of dollars before you’ve managed to get a decent number of subscribers.


Is Profit With Our Sites a Scam?

I rate this as a scam, yes, just the same as his other site, Copy My Websites. They’re not even websites, really, just a single page with an opt in form and a little bit of text and graphics.

The issue with what Jake has created is you’re not actually getting all the tools and training to actually make it do what he claims. He should just have his capture pages for sale on some retail site and that’s it. There is no money making system here.


Make REAL Money Online – Here’s How!

I do affiliate marketing for a living. At one stage I was a newbie chasing shiny objects and looking for that simple, push button way to make a lot of money online.

Guess what?

I never found anything that makes big money quickly and with little effort. That’s because it just doesn’t exist.

Ignore the so-called internet marketing gurus and their bullshit automated money making systems. They’re scams!

I’ve managed to build my affiliate marketing business up to the point where I consistently bring in over 5 figures every single month. It’s taken time and it’s taken work, but has it all been worth it?

Absolutely yes!

These days much of my income comes in passively. Work I did years ago still makes money for me today. I live the ultimate laptop lifestyle now and can be anywhere in the world and still make money from my business.

If this appeals to you and you would like to join me in the laptop lifestyle, then do the training I did. It’s what got me to where I am today. Click the banner below for more details on what it’s about and how to get started.


Make Money Online Like I Do


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

2 thoughts on “Is Profit With Our Sites a Scam? Is Making Money Online Really That Easy?

  1. Profit with our site seems too good to be true and when it does, it is often true.
    Thanks for your detailed review I now know more than I do before now about profit with our website scam.

    And also thanks for pointing out Jakes other various website that doesn’t provide much value at all.

    I enjoyed the read and I will look forward to your next post. Many income streams are definitely the way to stay above the waters in this economy.

    • Yes, unfortunately this is just yet another pie in the sky money making scam, with no substance and no way for memebrs to really earn a genuine income. This guys has a number of sites with different names all promoting the exact same thing.

      And you’re right, making money is all about creating multiple streams of income. It builds wealth as well as financial security.

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