Is Rookie Profit System a Scam or Not? MUST READ!



Is Rookie Profit System a scam? Can a complete rookie really make a profit online? Is this even anything new, or have we seen it all before?

Let’s take a look and find out more…


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Is Rookie Profit System a ScamCompany Name: Rookie Profit System

Co-Founders: Steven Bransfield

Price To Join: $49

My Rating: 5/10



~ Rookie Profit System Reviews ~


What Is Rookie Profit System and How Does It Work?

“How a baby-faced 22 year old college dropout just crossed $1 million with the Rookie Profit System”

Steven BransfieldThat’s what the official website message tells us when we land on the sales page.

A guy named Steven Bransfield brings us the Rookie Profit System and he claims this is a done for you business in a box. He even claims to have high ticket sales “already made for you”. That’s a hell of a statement.

Upon further investigation I’m not so certain whether Steven Bransfield is bringing us the Rookie Profit System, or whether in fact it is the brainchild of its mother company – MOBE.

I recently just reviewed something extremely similar, which is Ewen Chia’s Borderless Income System. That program also sends people to MOBE, but his platform looks like it was devised by Chia himself.

Either way, these two platforms are essentially the same thing. They are merely a way to lure in interested leads and funnel them into MOBE.

The MOBE platform has been around for quite a while now. It’s a mix of affiliate and multi level marketing and offers a lot of training packages as well as the opportunity to make good commissions selling those training packages to others.


Rookie Profit System


With MOBE, in order to be eligible to earn commissions on a particular product, you must first purchase that product yourself, otherwise you miss out on commissions if you led someone to buying that product, or if an affiliate in your downline buys or sells that product.

You see, that’s where the MLM comes into MOBE. When your recruits – your sub affiliates – buy something themselves or make sales, you also receive a small commission, but only if you already own the product bought or sold.

MOBE can get really expensive really fast, and all Steven Bransfield is offering us here is MOBE’s 21 step system, which will ultimately cost you tens of thousands of dollars to complete all 21 steps as it involves purchasing a series of MOBE products as well as paying to advance up the various levels in MOBE.

For my full review of MOBE, check it out here.

There are other MOBE affiliates out there who have devised schemes that are even less transparent, luring people in at a price tag of nearly $100. Steven’s system is half that, and the entrance fee goes towards your first level of membership in MOBE, whereas the others just keep your joining fee and then get you to try and buy into MOBE.

In my opinion both this system and the others are a little deceptive, it’s just that with Steven’s Rookie Profit System he’s a little more open about what it actually is.

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Target Audience

There are a lot of people out there new to making money online and they want to give it a try. This platform is directed at those people. Many only know how to scratch out a living or do business in the online world, so they’re curious. Unfortunately there are also a lot of people who believe the internet is some magic cash cow that delivers big money in quick time and for very minimal effort.


Tools and Training

While the Rookie Profit System itself doesn’t really deliver its own brand of training, there is plenty of training if you go ahead and jump on the MOBE wagon. In reality it’s information overload and there are so many options. It’s hard to know what to do or where to even begin. Be warned though, if you join MOBE, every single thing you want to do there will cost you money. Every single bit of training comes with a separate price tag attached to it.


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The Pros

  • More honestly promoted than some other MOBE funnels out there
  • MOBE can make you money
  • MOBE is “okay”


The Cons

  • If you join MOBE you will spend a lot of money to make money
  • You will be bombarded with many expensive upsells to advance
  • You can’t make commissions unless you buy a particular MOBE product first


Mobe Services


How Much Does Rookie Profit System Cost?

Steven will charge you $49 to join his MOBE funnel. That cash buys your way into the very first level in the MOBE system. It allows you to become a member and get started. However, you won’t likely make any money at that level and will need to spend a minimum of nearly three thousand dollars to get MOBE certified before you have a chance at making decent money.


Is Rookie Profit System a Scam?

It’s not a scam in the sense that MOBE is definitely real and genuine, albeit uber expensive. It’s slightly deceptive in its marketing as we think we are buying into something else, but Steven Bransfield is a little more open about it being what it is than some other MOBE affiliates with their funnel sites.


Another Method of Affiliate Marketing That Works

I love affiliate marketing. MOBE has some good products and the potential to make some high commissions down the track, but you have to spend so much money to even be eligible that I won’t go there. You see, as an affiliate for a number of different platforms, I can actually promote products and earn commissions without having to pay all those high prices. It all depends on what you are promoting.

One of the main things I promote is the affiliate marketing training offered by Wealthy Affiliate. Yes I’m a member there, and yes I did pay for membership, but I don’t have to keep paying for different training packages. I just pay the one membership fee and all the training is included, as well as having access to some great free training created by its active member group.

If you would like to check out the Wealthy Affiliate training with a free trial, click here. Otherwise click on the banner below to read a more detailed review of what Wealthy Affiliate is all about and how it can help you succeed online.


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

2 thoughts on “Is Rookie Profit System a Scam or Not? MUST READ!

  1. Darren,
    Thanks for the article. I am always skeptical of programs that say making money online is fast and easy. If they really did most of the work for you, why do they even need you, other than for your money? I know that there are a lot of better options out there. I checked out the one you recommended and it definitely seem legit. How much does it cost?

    • Yeah, you’re dead right. So long as we give them our money, they’ll do all the work for us while we relax on the beach, only logging on to our computers to count how much money has been added to our account.

      If only it were that easy. These scammers and those running dodgy schemes just like to tell people what they want to hear. People must fall for it at least some of the time, or none of these scams would still exist. I wonder why some assume making money online is so much easier than any other way? In some ways it can be easier, but anything that promises big bucks right when you start out, and with little effort, has almost always a scam, or a platform that is at least not telling the truth.

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