Is WahRev a Scam Or the Real Deal? MUST READ!



Is WahRev a scam? Can you really make money online by studying with this so-called education system? Or are the internet rumours that this program is totally dodgy all true?

Let’s check it out and uncover the truth about WahRev…



Is WahRev a ScamCompany Name: WahRev (Work At Home Revenue)

Owner: Michelle Robinson

Price To Join: $97

My Rating: 0/10



~ WahRev Reviews ~



While I like to discover and highlight worthwhile ways to make money on the internet, there are a lot of scams and worthless platforms out there too. These I like to expose so people don't waste their vaulable time and money on them. The fact that you are reading this review means you're smart – you do your research and don't blindly jump into things.

Don't waste your time on any more scams. Click below to read about something that actually works!

Earn 5 Figures Per Month.


What Is WahRev and How Does It Work?

WahRev – or Work At Home Revenue – is yet another training platform that regularly changes its name. That’s always a major red flag flapping around in the breeze when this happens. Why do they change names?

Because the name of their last product had such a poor reputation that the owners needed to reinvent the dodgy scheme under a completely new brand in order to keep selling it and making money. Funny thing is, they don’t change everything. The colours and logo are all very similar to the last version. Even the sales pitch and website are virtually identical.

WahRev has also been known as:

  • Wah Edu
  • Wah Academy
  • Work At Home University
  • Cash From Home
  • And loads more…

It may even be under some other names too that I’m not yet aware of.

Okay, so we’ve seen that WahRev is merely a reiteration of their other platforms, but what is it exactly WahRev is offering?

Well, it’s supposed to be a training platform to teach new entrepreneurs how to make money on the internet. All it is really is a bogus and useless link posting scam. These are all over the place these days. They claim you will be paid money to post affiliate links all over the internet. It just doesn’t work that way. Companies certainly aren’t going to pay you the likes of up to $15 to post one link.

Mostly all that will happen when you join WahRev is you will be hit with loads of upsells into other training programs; either more scams or legit offerings from other companies that the makers of WahRev are affiliates of.

This mob gets your phone number when you first sign up, and after a while they even start to call you personally, trying to sell you high ticket programs that can cost thousands.

This whole program is nothing more than a sales funnel to filter people through to other deals that the owners can make commissions on. WahRev of itself is just an empty shell. It’s worthless and of no value to members whatsoever. To join these other programs they try and lure you into, you can simply seek those programs out yourself without first having to join WahRev and part with $97.


Featured On the Major News Networks? I Don't Think So

Every one of their sites uses this fake ploy to try and convince people that WahRev and its sister sites are legit and that it's safe to join. The idea is to make their bogus job offer sound real, when it's all just a fantasy. If WahRev was ever featured on the news, it would be to expose it for the scam it is.


Fake News Banner


Limited Positions Available? I Doubt It

Many scams use this BS tactic. They'll either say time is limited or positions in their scheme are only available for X amount of people, and then you will miss out.

It's all false. They'll never turn away anyone who wants to hand their money over. They just want you to hurry up and pay before you have a chance to realise you're being conned.


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Target Audience

Anyone who has a desire to make money online and is looking for a way to start. People searching for an opportunity and some training. Unfortunately, anyone sucked into the WahRev scam will get virtually none of what they are really seeking or yearning for. It’s such a shame that there are so many scammers out there.


The Pros

  • Nothing I can think of to like about WahRev


The Cons

  • It’s all a big con
  • This company is an ongoing scam that continually reinvents itself under new names
  • The owners and testimonials are fake
  • They use actors for their videos, probably source don Fiverr
  • They spam your email and harass you over the phone to pitch you upsells for other products, many of which are scams as well.
  • They sell your sign up information to third parties
  • They are literally stealing your $97 joining fee
  • There are complaints against them all over the internet
  • Everything about this is fake and a scam
  • No real product support whatsoever
  • No refunds are available


Tools and Training

Well, you get given a generic, cookie cutter website that they give out to everyone who joins, and you also get some extremely basic training on affiliate marketing and the link posting scam. That’s about it, really.


WahRev Logo




How Much Does WahRev Cost?

It costs $97 for the privilege of joining this scam, after which you get absolutely no value from it. You will then be hit with a bombardment of expensive upsells, by email and by phone. These people charge you money and then harass you to try and make more money.


Is WahRev a Scam?

Yes, it’s a scam, and just one of many brought out by the same dodgy people that allegedly run WahRev. In this case Michelle Robinson’s name is used, but the names of the owners are cycled through their suite of bogus products. All the names are merely aliases anyway, and they use stock photos so they look like genuine people. The same goes for their fake testimonials and the sales videos.


A Legit Way To Make Money Online

You can make money online and you do need a training platform that shows you how. What you need to do is avoid all the multitudes of scams out there. There are just so many and that figure is growing all the time. Reason being is the scammers are aware of just how many people desire to earn a living from the internet these days, so they really prey on that desire.

Affiliate marketing, done the right way and ethically, is a fantastic way to make money from the internet in the comfort of your own home. You can do it part-time or fulltime. The choice is yours. The sky is the limit when it comes to your income potential. Some affiliate marketers even make 7 figures a year. I’m not saying you will reach that level. I’m merely pointing out that it’s possible. What I do know is highly likely is that you’ll be able to build your business to a 4 to 5 figure per month income stream, if you are willing to put the effort in and seek the right training so you know how to do it right.

Speaking of training, I trained with one of the best platforms there is – Wealthy Affiliate. If you would like to learn more about them and my experience with them, click the banner below to read my detailed review.


Make Money Online Like I Do


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

2 thoughts on “Is WahRev a Scam Or the Real Deal? MUST READ!

  1. Hello Darren, very refreshing review and thanks for calling this company out. I have experienced a company like this and in fact they still call everyday or the third parties they sold my telephone number. Did you pay the $97 subscription?
    I love the way you added a positive to the negative,by including Wealthy Affiliate.

    • Hi Harvey,

      Yes, this company has a whole host of similar scams, just under different names. No, I didn’t hand them my $97, but sorry to hear you had a bad experience with one of these scams.

      Wealthy Affiliate is the real deal. It’s not some get rich quick scheme, but what they teach there does work and people will make money online if they put the effort in and have some patience.

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