MobileXpression is a Scam or Not? Let’s Find Out



MobileXpression is a scam or a cool new way to make some extra cash with your smartphone? Companies want you to use your phone to help with market research, but is it worth your time or not?

Let’s take a closer look and find out….



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MobileXpression Is a ScamCompany Name: MobileXpression

Owner: ComScore, Inc.

Price To Join: Free

My Rating: 1/10



~ MobileXpression Reviews ~


What Is MobileXpression and How Does it Work?

MobileXpression is an cool little app that you simply download to your Smartphone or tablet. It’s available for both Android and IOS systems so everyone is covered if you want to get involved.

Basically what the app does is track your behaviour. Kind of sounds a bit “big brother” to me, but this is pretty common practice these days, both with the internet and mobile devices. Essentially companies are paying MobileXpression to gather vital research from its members, and in turn MobileXpression pays you a smaller amount in the way of rewards to participate.

This information helps these companies deliver better products and services to their customers and potential customers, as these insights are used for product improvement and better delivery. It also allows these companies to learn how to better target their advertising at you, which is what the main objective would be here.


The Process

The very first thing you need to do is see if your are even eligible to participate in the first place. If you have a recent tablet or smartphone with an up-to-date operating system, then very likely you are good to go.

Next step is to slip on over to their website, join the system, then fill out the necessary profile information. They ask some rather personal questions, such as your income level, so be prepared for that.

Once all that’s done it’s time to download and install the app so your can really get started. The app is designed to run silently in the background, but be aware that it will take up valuable space on your device as well as constantly use your phone or tablet’s resources, and likely slow it down and suck power form the battery. On top of that is the app’s constant data usage, so if you’re on a phone plan or Wi-Fi deal that doesn’t come with a lot of data, this could be a problem.




How Much Can You Earn With MobileXpression?

As an incentive to join the program, MobileXpression is offering a bonus $5 gift card upon sign up. After that, the rewards all come in gift form rather than actual money, and you don’t automatically qualify to receive a gift. What happens is you will be entered into sweepstakes draws and, if you’re extremely lucky, you might be selected as a winner.

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Target Audience

Anyone with a smartphone or tablet who lives in an eligible country who would like to earn rewards for just doing what they already do anyway.


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What I Like

  • The app runs silently in the background
  • It’s available for both IOS and Android


What I Don’t Like

  • Not all countries are eligible to participate
  • The app will track everything you do
  • The app reduces your battery life, increases data consumption and sucks resources
  • There is the high possibility that your privacy will be breached
  • You don’t really know what information about you is being collected or by whom
  • There is also the likelihood your details will be passed on to (or sold to) marketing companies
  • The rewards are really small and the deal could end up costing you money
  • There are a lot of complaints online about member accounts being suspended once they either request a redemption, or are close to qualifying for one – check them out on Survey Police
  • You don’t actually earn money or even gifts and gift cards. All rewards are distributed via sweepstakes draws, so you’re not guaranteed of receiving anything for having this covert app monitoring your every move

MobileXpression Is a Scam

How Much Does MobileXpression Cost To Join?

It’s free to join, but you also have to be careful you don’t inadvertently sign up for any paid offers that might be sent your way. The whole idea of this app is for the companies that use MobileXpression services to make money from you in the long run. Keep that point in mind.


Is MobileXpression a Scam?

I don’t recommend this app, no. I’m not prepared to state it’s an outright scam, but there are certainly far too many negatives in my opinion for it to be worth anyone’s while.

For starters, it all sounds like a breach of everyone’s privacy. Plus, you don’t know what they’re doing with the data collected, who is actually receiving the data, or whether your details will be sold to third parties and marketing companies.

There are numerous complaints of peoples’ accounts getting shut down when they’re due to qualify for rewards (which obviously aren’t guaranteed with their sweepstakes draws anyway), and there’s no actual money to be made.

The app sucks up data, resources and battery power, so I can’t really see any plausible reason to even consider downloading it in the first place.

If you want to make money, there are far better ways. Even doing surveys is better than what MobileXpression is offering.

Give this Big Brother app a miss.


Try My Top Recommendation To Make Money

If you want to make some money online, either in your spare time or start something that could eventually replace your fulltime job, then have you considered doing affiliate marketing?

Sure, there’s more to it than simply having an app running on your phone or tablet, but it’s also a hell of a lot more profitable, too.

I’ve been making my living online from affiliate marketing for years now and it gives me complete lifestyle freedom of having both time and money. I can even travel whenever I want and live anywhere.

If you want to learn more about it and how you can get started for free, I’ve written a guide that you can read by clicking on the banner below. It only takes a few short minutes to read and is well worth checking out.

I can’t imagine life being any other way now. If you want to join me, just click below and see what it’s all about.


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

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