Wealthy Affiliate Q&A


Wealthy Affiliate Starter Member


What Is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is predominantly a training platform with video and text tutorials that teach you how to set up Word Press websites that will generate an income. While their main focus is on affiliate marketing, the training is great for anyone looking to start a business online or learn how to make money online.


How Long Has Wealthy Affiliate Been In Business?

wa_making_money_exposed_200x200Back in 2005, two college buddies got together and started Wealthy Affiliate after successfully trying their hand at affiliate marketing. Their names are Kyle and Carson and they are very active on the WA platform. Carson more deals with the back end side of things while Kyle answers community questions and does all the training.

Since 2005 the business has grown exponentially, with more than 1 million members passing through the virtual doors of this marvellous training platform. Many of these members have gone on to establish very successful online businesses.


What Are The Benefits Of Joining Wealthy Affiliate?

As a member of Wealthy Affiliate you will be exposed to a huge community of helpful members. Some are beginners, many are at an intermediate level with their online enterprises, and just as many are experts who will willingly lend a hand to newbies to get them started.

Most important is the official training. There are two types of training on WA:

  1. Online Entrepreneur Certification – Teaches you how to choose a niche, set up a website and monetise it so you can build your business.
  2. Affiliate Bootcamp – The training here is similar to the first one, but focuses on the internet marketing niche, and more specifically, promoting the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Starter members can create and host 2 websites for free, while Premium members can host up to 50.

Members also freely create their own training on various aspects of business and marketing, and these mini training modules prove to be an invaluable resource for those just getting started, and also for members seeking to learn new skills and further their understanding of the online space.


Do I Have To Be A Tech Expert?

No, you don’t. Sure, some tech skills would be an advantage, but most people who join WA don’t have any specific tech skills. In fact, the age of members ranges anywhere from teenagers, right through to people in their 80s looking for opportunities in their retirement and twilight years.

I’ve known complete newbies with zero tech skills who have joined WA, followed the lessons and came out the other side with a successful online business.


Do I Need To Be Some Sort Of Writer?

Quality Content Whatever The Writing TaskWell, yes, you do need to be “some sort of writer” as you will be writing quality content for your websites. But keep this in mind. You don’t have to be a pro or even a good writer. You just need to write like you’re having a conversation with someone. Be believable, someone people can relate to and trust, and you will make money from your promotions.

And if you really don’t want to write, then you can outsource the writing side of things fairly cheaply.


Can I Make Money With Wealthy Affiliate?

Yes you can!

There are numerous ways you can make money be becoming an active member of Wealthy Affiliate. First, you can join their affiliate program and earn commissions when others join through your referral links.

Dollar SignYou can also make money by creating niche websites on subjects that you are passionate about, and promote products from companies relevant to that area of passion. For example, you might be a personal trainer and are passionate about fitness and weight loss. These are profitable niches. Or you could be a new mother and blog about what it’s like to be a parent, offering tips to other young mothers.

The possibilities online really are endless and it’s a huge marketplace, with more than 3 billion people going online across the globe every single day!


What Does Wealthy Affiliate Cost To Join?

Here’s the great part. To join as a Starter member, enabling you to have a good look around, create 2 website, have them hosted, and be eligible to do the first 10 lessons of the training, it costs you (drum roll…) absolutely nothing!

To maintain full access to the site and be able to do all the incredible training that’s on offer, become a Premium member for a mere $49 per month (or $359 for an entire year). That’s a really cheap education for something that’s extremely relevant and a business that can generate a good income (much of it passive in time) for many years to come.

After you have completed all of the training you can cancel your membership. Depending on how quick you learn, maybe you might only remain a member for 2 or 3 months. That’s such a bargain for this kind of an education, and you can earn while you learn.

I finished the training a long time ago, but I remain a member because of all the help, tips and advice I receive from the community whenever I need it. I’m always learning new things and improving my business and earnings. It’s well worth remaining a member for me, because I see the inherent value attached to that for my business.


Free VS Premium Membership?

View the comparison chart below to see the benefits of each.

Wealthy Affiliate Membership Comparison Table


Do I Need To Provide My Credit Card Details To Join?

No you don’t. It takes less than a minute to join as a free member and no CC is required. The only time you will be asked for a credit card (or PayPal) is when you decide you want to upgrade to Premium membership. But while upgrading is recommended for those serious about their online business, this is completely optional.


Does Success With Wealthy Affiliate Require Work?

It does require work. There is no such thing as a get rich quick scheme and anyone who tries to sell you this concept is pushing a scam to take your money.

Setting up a successful online business takes work and dedication just like any other kind of business. Initially you will see no money for your efforts, but if you are diligent and patient and willing to put the time and effort into your business, you will reach success. And that’s a kind of success that will just keep multiplying. Eventually much of your income can become passive and residual, which equates to time and money freedom.


Is There An Affiliate Program?

Wealthy Affiliate has a very good affiliate program, one that you can be a part of even as a free member. Affiliate Bootcamp training focuses on how to successfully promote Wealthy Affiliate as an affiliate and make a great residual income.

Affiliate Commissions


Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth Joining?


There is no better training platform around than WA to teach you how to make money online. And for the price, the education you receive is invaluable. As I mentioned earlier, you can even earn while you learn.

If you want to make money online, set yourself up for the future and establish a successful business that will stream income into your bank account for many years to come, then join up today!


How Do I Join Wealthy Affiliate?

Joining Wealthy Affiliate is so easy, costs nothing and takes less than a minute. Simply click on the screenshot below and you will be taken through to the sign up page.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Join Wealthy Affiliate


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

2 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate Q&A

  1. Wealthy Affiliate seems too good to be true. These days when something seems that way, it usually is. What’s different about Wealthy Affiliate though is that you get 7 days free to try it. Nobody does that because what if your potential customers try it and decide they don’t like it? Or what if they try it for a week, like it, but don’t have the perseverance to actually keep with it.
    I think it says alot that Wealthy Affiliate has that first week free and it shows that they care about the people in their community more than the potential of getting money from people that try it for a day but decide to go with something else.

    • Hi Jessica. Offering a free trial is the very best way to prove legitimacy, I think. It shows there is nothing to hide in Wealthy Affiliate and, if you decide you don’t like it for some reason, you don’t have to fight to get a refund from some money back guarantee like others offer.

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