Is Computer Portal a Scam or Quick $379 a Day?



Is Computer Portal a scam or not? Many people were asking this question about this make money online (MMO) platform, so I decided to take a look at it. The site owner claims you can make an easy $379 a day for only about one hour of work, but is this really true, or is Computer Portal just an old scam rehashed yet again?

Let’s take a look and see what’s going on here…



Is Computer Portal a ScamCompany Name: Computer Portal

Owner: Lynn Allen

Price To Join: $97 + Upsells

My Rating: 0/10



~ Computer Portal Review ~



There are a lot of ways to make some money online, which has led to there being many make money schemes and training programs. On the flipside there are also loads of make money scams going around, so everyone has to be careful and do their research. That’s why it’s great to see you here reading my review, as it means you do your homework before joining anything, and that’s a wise move.

This website of mine is all about helping people find ways to make more money, or learn about various methods of earning money online. I highlight the good stuff I come across as well as expose any scams I see.

Let’s now see how Computer Portal measures up.


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What Is Computer Portal?

In recent times there have been many online scams and dodgy platforms that I’ve reviewed, but there is one mob of scammers in particular who just never seem to go away. They keep reinventing their scam under new names and new websites, but it’s always the same old thing.

Computer Portal looks like yet another one brought out by these same people. It’s an identical sales pitch, with the promise of an easy $379 a day every day for only an hour’s work. This all sounds pretty awesome at face value, as it would mean for around 30 hours of work during the course of a month you would make well over $10k.

Unfortunately it’s all a pack of lies.


Is Computer Portal a Scam


Same Scam Once More

From the time of writing this review, I think I must have reviewed over 40 of these exact same scam sites by now. Maybe even more. I’ve lost count. They just keep coming up with new ones when the old ones get found out. The only things that change is the name of the website and sometimes the name of the site owner. The scam remains the same.

All the websites look pretty much the same, use the same sales videos and pitches, and most likely it’s the exact same con artists behind each and every site.

Just a handful of others I’ve recently reviewed are:


Is Computer Teachers a Scam


Computer Portal Has Never Been Featured On Major News Channels

All these websites – Computer Portal included – claim to have had their opportunity featured on news stories on the major news channels. Each site has the logos of TV channels all over the header, making the statement that they’re endorsed by these channels.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

So why do they bother?

Adding this information makes their scheme sound legit. People think that if they’ve been featured on well-known TV channels and news programs then they must be the real deal and will willingly hand their money over to join and get this “easy job”.

It’s all fake. Anyone can plaster their website with TV channel logos. I could do it on my website right now if I wanted to, and make the claim that I’ve been featured on their news.

Common channels they often include are:

  • CNBC
  • CNN
  • ABC
  • Fox News
  • And a few others…


Fake News Banner


Yet Another New Alias

Lynn Allen is the person fronting the Computer Portal website and job offer. Quite often these scammers used to repeat the same name for the site owner, but lately they’ve been getting more inventive and coming up with new ones.

The names are all aliases. None of these people exist. They just use common stock photos (and often the same photos) to represent these phantom people.

Computer Portal will feed you a story presented by Lynn Allen, stating how she’s a single mother who was really down on her luck and struggling to make ends meet (most of us can relate to these hard luck stories, and that’s why they use them). Anyway, Lynn then comes across this great online job offer and from then on her life changes for the better.

This exact word for word story appears on every single one of their websites. Just the person’s name changes.

Here are some of the commonly used aliases:

  • Jessica Marshall
  • Kelly Simmons
  • Karen Evans
  • Cami White
  • And quite a few others…


Lynn Allen Scam



Limited Positions Available???

Using scarcity tactics is a very common ploy to get people to take action. It’s not something reserved for scammers only. All sorts of shops and legit businesses use this tactic all the time. It could be a limited time offer, limited stock or, in the case of Computer Portal, limited positions available.

Now just because it’s stated that something is limited, it isn’t always the case. Computer Portal certainly aren’t telling the truth in this respect. They don’t really limit anything. They want everyone’s money, so they’re not going to turn anyone away.

It’s all fake. They just want you to hurry up and buy in before you have a chance to think about it or do any research.


Home Jobs Today Limited Offer


The Alleged Easy “Online Job”

The easy online job that supposedly earns you $379 a day is always the same thing – Link posting.

The claim is that for every random affiliate link you post on the internet for Fortune 500 companies, Computer Portal will pay you $15. Yes, that’s $15 for every link posted that they give you. You might post on your own website or in Facebook groups. Anywhere you can post an affiliate link online, they claim they’ll pay you $15 in every instance.

Now, I do affiliate marketing for a living, and this is kind of like affiliate marketing, except companies don’t pay you anything to randomly post or spam their affiliate links. You only earn commissions when someone makes a purchase through your affiliate link.

Genuine affiliates are used by companies to spread the word about their products and services, but it’s not done the way Computer Portal and all its clone sites say. Companies won’t spend their advertising budgets on useless, ineffective link posting.

No one gets paid a cent for posting these links via Computer Portal either. It’s all bogus promises to suck people in.


Fortune 500 Companies


Likely Promoting Other More Expensive Programs

These websites are used to get people in, take their joining fee, and then enter members into one big sales funnel where they harasses you with offers for other super expensive products and training packages. Some of these may also be scams, or borderline at best.

Computer Portal will make the claim after you join that you won’t be able to make the kind of money they promised you until you purchase more products.


Target Audience

These days so many people go online looking for easy money making opportunities that they can do from home. Along comes this awesome sounding offer from Computer Portal and it sounds like the answer.

Scammers know how to tell people exactly what they want to hear, rather than reality. They are masters of it, and that’s what websites like Computer Portal do – deceive people into buying into something simply by telling them what they want to hear.


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What I Like

  • I honestly don’t like anything about Computer Portal


What I Don’t Like and Red Flags

  • Lynn Allen is not a real person, but rather an alias
  • The link posting job is fake and no one gets paid the promised $15 for posting these links
  • There are no “limited positions” available
  • So far I must have reviewed at least 40 of these sites
  • Companies don’t spend their budgets on link spamming
  • They use stock photos and actors for their testimonials and videos
  • Computer Portal has never been featured on any of the TV channels
  • Your credit card details could be at risk if you were to join
  • This is all about stealing your join up fee and then trying to get you to spend far more money on other products


How Much Does Computer Portal Cost?

It’s always the exact same price to join this deal, no matter which version of the website they use. You pay them $97 for the privilege of joining their mega expensive sales funnel. The selling will never cease once you’re inside and you won’t get a refund.

From that point on they’ll have your contact details and your credit card details. You don’t want to hand over any of this to these scammers.


Accelerated Income Link Posting


Is Computer Portal a Scam?

Yep, scam, scam, scam!

I don’t know exactly how many of these websites are out there, but there are a lot. They all sell the same deal and look pretty much the same, so avoid Computer Portal and any other site that looks like it might be the same thing.

You will never get a payday by joining something like this, as the idea is for them to suck more and more money from you, not help you earn.


A REAL Way To Make Great Money On the Internet!

Lifestyle Freedom is Time and MoneyIt’s unfortunate that the internet is loaded with so many dodgy deals, but the news isn’t all bad. There’s plenty of genuine, positive stuff online as well. There are many ways to make real money, as well as many decent training programs that show you how to do it.

I learnt how to do affiliate marketing the right way through some really good training. Anyone can be a success at this if you’re shown how to go about it.

Another great thing about affiliate marketing is you don’t need any capital to get going, just a computer, access to the internet and some time. Even once you’re up and running, costs are extremely minimal.

An online business really leads to a lifestyle of time and money freedom, with multiple sources of passive income being the norm in time.

If you have around 5 minutes to spare, I’ve written a free make money online guide. You can check it out by hitting the banner below.


Make Real Money Online


Inside there is an explanation of just how people make money with affiliate marketing and some of its many advantages. I give a little info on my own background making money online, as well as introduce you to the great training I did that led to my own success. The training starts off for FREE, so absolutely nothing to lose by checking it out.

Click here to read my FREE guide now!


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

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