My Online Franchise Reviews – Scam or Legit Platform?



What is My Online Franchise? Is it some sort of online scam or a legit way to make some decent money? They hype it up in the sales video, but can My Online Franchise live up to its promises?

Let’s take a closer look and uncover the truth….


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My Online Franchise ReviewsCompany Name: My Online Franchise

Owner: Corp New Ventures Services

Price To Join: $49

My Rating: 1/10



~ My Online Franchise Reviews ~


What Is My Online Franchise?

I’ve come across this same line so many times in the course of writing all these product reviews of make money opportunities, where it’s claimed you’ll receive $500 just for watching a sales video on their website. Every time it’s proven to be complete BS, and in the case of My Online Franchise there’s no exception.

This is followed immediately by another classic line over-used by dodgy deals, and that’s the claim of simply copying their system and easily making over $1000 a day.

Man, I would love it if making money on the internet was as quick, simple and hassle-free as that. I mean, who wouldn’t want to cruise their way to 1k a day without having to do much? Sounds like the perfect business that will lead to an even more perfect lifestyle.

If you are reading this review because you have your doubts, then your doubts are warranted.

With regards to the $500, you will never see it. I’ve watched countless videos by now that make this bold claim, yet I’ve never seen the money from any of them. It’s just a sales tactic to get people to watch and nothing more than that.

All you end up doing is spending half an hour of your valuable time sitting through a video that basically tells you absolutely nothing other than how much money you’re going to make with their magic system and how easy it’s all going to be.

In my opinion it’s actually a great skill to be able to ramble on for that long and not actually say anything useful. I couldn’t do it.

If you want to make real money online without the sales hype, then just do what I do to make a fulltime passive income. Click here to learn more.


MOBE Banner


What This Really Is

Well, what I can guarantee you is that there are no “franchises” for sale with this platform. In fact, My Online Franchise is simply a website created by an affiliate to funnel people into another existing platform called MOBE.

Perhaps you’ve heard of MOBE?

Affiliates of MOBE pull this stunt all the time. While there’s nothing wrong with being an affiliate and trying to make some sales, it’s also important to be honest and upfront about what it is you are actually selling.

MOBE is made up of a whole series of digital products and training platforms. The idea of MOBE is for its members to learn how to sell MOBE products to others and make affiliate commissions. MOBE doesn’t really teach people how to set up any other sort of online business, just how to sell MOBE. It’s a bit like a MLM setup.

One of the core MOBE products is their 21 Steps program. This program is the main training that teaches new members how to recruit people into MOBE and upsell them on the suite of products and training available on MOBE. It’s all about affiliate marketing, but more specifically, how to promote MOBE as an affiliate.

Once you get involved in MOBE in any way, shape or form, all the upsells will begin. You will be strenuously encouraged to go “all in” and purchase every MOBE product there is, with the reasoning being that if you want to make money selling MOBE products, you can only earn commissions on products you have personally purchased yourself.

To go all in will cost you close to $50,000. That’s what the suite of MOBE products totals. So, pretty damn expensive to go all in.

You can learn some good stuff with MOBE, and they do pay out some big commissions on their high ticket items, but it’s expensive to get fully involved and also very risky.

What if you find you struggle to sell MOBE to anyone, yet you’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars buying their products?

You can read my complete review of MOBE here.


Target Audience

I believe this website – My Online Franchise – is targeting people who are new to affiliate marketing or new to making money on the internet. More experienced marketers just wouldn’t buy into all the hype with no substance video and marketing in the first place, nor would they believe they are going to receive $500 just for watching some BS sales video.


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What I Like

  • MOBE and the 21 Steps programs are not bad, and you can make some high commissions if you can sell the products


What I Don’t Like

  • There is no $500 bonus for watching the video
  • The marketing of this website is ambiguous and deceptive
  • MOBE is an expensive platform with stacks of upsells
  • If you join MOBE you will be pressured to buy the upsells
  • A lot of lies are told on the My Online Franchise website
  • Too many MOBE affiliates are using this exact same tactic to try and trick people into joining MOBE
  • My Online Franchise is just an empty shell of a website, serving as nothing more than a feeder site to funnel people into the MOBE platform
  • There are lots of mixed reviews about MOBE


Mobe Core Training Programs


How Much Does My Online Franchise Cost?

Although you are not technically joining My Online Franchise, because there is nothing here to join, the joining fee is $49, and that’s the entry fee into the MOBE 21 Steps training program. Once inside the MOBE funnel you could end up spending thousands of dollars more with the promise of possibly making thousands in commissions down the track.

Copy how I make $1000s a month online!


Is My Online Franchise a Scam?

I don’t rate MOBE as a scam, although I don’t really recommend it as a great source for learning how to make an online income either. However, I’d have to say that My Online Franchise is somewhat scammy, because they pretend to be selling you some new secret system, when in actual fact all they are doing is trying to trick you into joining something else entirely.

These kind of deceptive tactics are simply wrong and unethical in my honest opinion. Check out MOBE if you like, but give this particular affiliate a miss for not being upfront and honest.


Try My Top Recommendation To Make Money

I actually make my living as an affiliate marketer, and I even did some official training to learn how to do it all the right way. The advantage with the way I learned though, is that I’m now equipped to market and promote any product I like that has an affiliate program. I don’t just try and promote the platform I trained with. I have other sites where I promote Amazon products and all sorts of stuff.

Affiliate marketing is a pretty simple business model, and anyone can do it successfully if they are committed, will put the effort in, and learn how to do it properly from the ground up.

If you would like to know more, I’ve written a guide on how to get started. You can read it by clicking on the banner below. Takes about 5 minutes to read and definitely worth checking out further.


Freedom Time and Money


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Darren Burton

Site Owner
I am an author, online entrepreneur and internet marketer. I work from home and anywhere else in the world I choose to work. I've been making a living online since 2010, and you can do it too. I'm here to help.

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